Chapter 2 - You're such an arrogant twat, Malfoy

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If liberty means anything at all, it means to tell people what they do not want to hear.

- George Orwell

We got our schedule the next day and I wasn't pleased whatsoever. Double Potions on Monday morning, charms in the afternoon. Defence Against the Dark Arts, History of Magic and Herbology on Tuesday, double Transfiguration and astronomy on Wednesday, Arithmancy and History of Magic on Thursday and Study of Ancient Runes, Divination and Care of Magical Creatures on Friday, terrific.

Twelve classes, of which I was determined to get twelve O's.

"Double Potions on Monday with Gryffindor, are you kidding me?" Tracey complained. Me and Tracey Davis's friendship was a rather turbulent one. Tracy was loud and obnoxious a lot of the times, which is why I could not stand her at first. She was also a half-blood, meaning that we didn't really have the same social circles. But one time in third year, when Draco Malfoy made me trip in the hallway, she had given him the lecture of a lifetime. It was so excessive that everyone forgot about my little face-plant, only referring to Tracey's fit. Ever since, she had earned my respect and we'd been really good friends ever since.

"Well, at least in Potions Snape will give us a seat next to another Slytherin, so that's good."

I had a very mixed relationship with Gryffindor. Most of them annoyed me, as they always needed to be in the spotlight, whatever it took. Some of them were just plain obnoxious, but I did like a few. I was even friends with one in my year, Benjamin Evans. Benjamin was a rather quiet Gryffindor and had a lot of Hufflepuff traits, I thought. We'd been partners in Herbology last year and we got along surprisingly well.

"So, how about we throw a little party in the common room tonight? A little welcome back bash?" Tracey continued.

"I'm in", Daphne shrugged. "Eleanor?"

"Sorry, I've got prefect duties tonight. Every Monday and Thursday."

"Well, does that mean you can keep the other prefects away from the dungeons? The Hufflepuffs won't snitch, but I heard annoying Granger and Weasley are Gryffindor prefects. They sure will be a pain in the arse", Tracey rolled her eyes, sending daggers to the Gryffindor table. I agreed that Harry Potter and his two friends were annoying, but Tracey despised them for some reason.

"Well, let's get Potions over with, shall we?" I sighed and stood up from my seat. We were obliged to like Snape, as he was our head of house, but it was quite the task. He sucked the joy out of everything.

"I swear, if they put me next to Crabbe or Goyle, I'm going to throw hands", Daphne hissed as she noticed that Snape was assigning seats at the entrance.

"Bet you're going to be seated with Malfoy as prefects", Tracey said. I hadn't even thought about that and it had already ruined the first morning of the year.

"What? He's really good at Potions. And he's hot", Daphne wiggled her eyebrows, causing me to gag. All my life it had been Malfoy this and Malfoy that and I was sick of it.

"A despicable human, that's what he is", I mumbled.

And sure enough, when we reached Snape, he appointed me to the seat in the far back, next to Draco Malfoy.

"Sir, I respect your decision, but isn't there any other spot I could get?" I asked politely, trying not to look too repulsed.

"Well, respect my decision a little more and sit down", he said, continuing to assign seats to Daphne and Tracey. I sighed and reluctantly made my way over to my seat. I ignored his obvious groans and got out my book, ink and quill.

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