Word of Thanks

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AAAAAAH! It's over, I can't believe it is actually over! 

450 pages in Word, 175 118 words, 920 907 characters. That's what we accomplished together in the time span of less than three months. And now it is finished.

I'm so proud of this fanfiction. I have been incredibly invested in it and I feel like it's actually quite decent. Sue, it's not going to turn me into an actual writer, but I'm still proud of it :)

And I'm so happy that I got to share it all with you. It warmed my heart to see the amount of readers grow, to read all the comments and to experience your support. I loved every second of it. 

My heart always feels heavy the day before finishing a novel. I had a full blown anxiety attack because of it yesterday, but today I felt at peace. I felt like I ended this novel at the best time possible. Sure, I could have written a sequel about their life after Hogwarts, but this just felt like a good time to end it. 

I'm so sorry for what happened to Tracey. I cherished her with all my heart and I bawled my eyes out when writing that scene. It just felt like I needed it to happen. My previous fanfiction was so happy, so cheerful, and this one wasn't. This one was filled with pain and heartache, ups and downs and tears, and that's okay. Not everyone lives an easy life and I feel like it's important to make subjects like that open for conversation. Did Eleanor handle her death well? Maybe yes, maybe no, she's not perfect.

I know that there are probably a lot of things you'd like to change about this novel, but for me, it's perfect and that's okay for me. This was a massive creative outlet and I'm sad to see it come to an end, but I know I enjoyed it and I know that most of you did too.

If you're still reading this, thank you from the bottom of my heart. My main motivation to continue writing is your messages and your comments. They keep me going, they make me happy. Thank you for sticking by and for showing your support. I appreciate every single one of you so very much.

What's next for me? I'm not quite sure. I have thought about retiring from writing fanfiction, as I'd like to try writing some actual fiction to get published, but who knows? I know myself and I know that fanfiction is too dear to me to just quit suddenly. I will probably be back, but I can't tell you yet when that is going to be. I need to try this fiction thing first. I need to try finding my future in writing.

To finish of Fire&Ice: thank you. Thank you for reading, thank you for voting, thank you for commenting and thank you for every single follower that I have acquired over time. I don't have a large following on any platform, so the 3000 of you I have gathered amaze me every single day.

I love you all so much and I look forward to continuing reading your comments.

This is where I officially end "Fire&Ice - a Draco Malfoy fanfiction", by me, Hanne.


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