Chapter 16 - It's just a little difficult to be proud of someone you barely know

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Why do you put up with me? 

- Because you are fire, and I have been cold all my life

- A. R. Asher

"Come on, suck it in, darling", Narcissa said as she tightened the laces of my dress. I took a deep breath and sucked in my stomach as much as I could as Malfoy's mother pulled on the strings. I couldn't help but whimper slightly as my breathing was cut off.

I wore corset dresses all the time, as they were a staple in any high-class household and I liked how they looked, but Merlin, were they uncomfortable.

"All done", Narcissa said and gently placed her hands on my shoulders. I looked in the mirror and admired the gown she had selected. It reached just above my ankles, allowing me to walk properly and show off some beautiful heels. It was nude and covered in tiny bits of gold foil, which was absolutely stunning when it hit the light just right. It was a bit more light and girly than I was used to, as I usually opted for navy, Slytherin green or black, but I adored it.

"You look absolutely stunning", Narcissa sighed, turning me around. I smiled as I looked into the mirror. Was I the most stunning girl in the world? Definitely not, but right then I did feel beautiful. My skin was exceptionally pale and I lacked some curves, but in this dress, everyone would look beautiful.

"Thank you, Narcissa. You've proven to have immaculate taste yet again", I smiled.

"It was a stellar find, if I may say so myself", she shrugged. "Now get changed so we can pay and stop by that little tea shop on the way home."

I did what she asked and soon we were back at the floo network to visit the next destination.

I did this with Narcissa every year. We went shopping for a dress for the Ministry's Christmas ball, we'd get some fresh tea in a local little shop and then we'd spend the afternoon catching up over fresh tea and biscuits.

Narcissa was like a second mother to me. My own mother was always at home, but she never really understood the true meaning of being a mother. She was there for me when I needed her and she taught me all I needed to know, but still we didn't really have a bond. We rarely did fun things together and she never told me much about herself. I knew she was proud of me, but I'd like to be proud of her too. It's just a little difficult to be proud of someone you barely know.

"I need to buy some for Draco as well", Narcissa mumbled when we walked around the little tea shop.

"Does Draco drink tea?" I asked. I had to pay attention that I didn't slip out "Malfoy", as we had an appearance to uphold.

"Oh, yes. We drink tea together almost every afternoon when he's at home", Narcissa said, a smile dancing on her lips. She really loved her son. I just wished said son had inherited a bit more of her genes.

It was a little difficult to imagine Malfoy drinking tea with his mother, talking about his term at Hogwarts. He was so cold and distant usually. I guess there was at least one person around whom he let his guard down.

"Well, I feel like this is something he'd like", I said, grabbing a little bag of lime yerba tea, infused with green apples. I don't know why, but that tea seemed to fit him.

"Seems nice", Narcissa said and added the tea to her bag. We walked around the shop for a while and then checked out. We took the floo network to Malfoy Manor.

I wasn't the biggest fan of Malfoy Manor. It was classy and charming, but also cold and dark. I liked wood and carpets and big gardens and pillows.

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