Chapter 22 - Just allow yourself to melt

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I got a little close and that is all it took. I was captured. Because sometimes that is what happens when the heart recognizes home. 

- JmStorm

Time seemed to have lost its meaning as February and March passed by like a breeze. It for sure was a boring year at Hogwarts. Other than Umbridge walking around as if she owned the place, things were rather normal.

Adrian had tried talking to me several times, but I kept ignoring him until he stopped. I didn't care.

The most surprising outcome of the entire situation was Draco Malfoy. He had completely stopped being mean towards me. I didn't really speak to him at all, but he didn't try to get a reaction out of me, which was new.

Daphne and Tracey had gotten a lot closer. We had always been friends, but Daphne had always been a bit wary because of Tracey's blood status, but that seemed to be out of the way now. I supposed it was because I didn't talk very much. It was better this way. It led me to be completely focused on school, scoring me immaculate grades in every class.

But apparently some others didn't think so.

"Selwyn, this has to stop right now."

Malfoy stopped in front of me, a frustrated look on his face. We had just started our Thursday patrol and not shared a single word.

"What is it this time?" I asked, crossing my arms defensively.

"This act you've got up. It's got to stop", he said firmly.

"You're talking nonsense, Malfoy, I'm not putting up -"

"Yes you are, Selwyn. Look at yourself!" He grabbed my two shoulders, shaking me gently. "At first I thought it was just your way of dealing with the Pucey situation, but this is getting out of hand. I barely recognize you."

"Isn't that a good thing?" I sighed, uninterested. "You never liked who I was anyway." Malfoy grunted, combing his hand through his hair.

"You even talk in the same tone. I didn't even notice yet because you barely open your mouth. It used to be an accomplishment for you to shut up for two minutes." I blinked a couple times, not sure what his goal was.

"Come on, where is angry Eleanor? Or competitive Eleanor, or impulsive Eleanor? Are you really going to be all depressive over some guy who screwed you over? That's a bit pathetic don't you think?" he said.

"This has nothing to do with Pucey", I frowned, looking down.

"Oh please, do you honestly believe that yourself?" he scoffed.

"Just leave me alone, Malfoy."

"No! I'm not going to leave it alone, because that's what everybody else is already doing and look how much that's helping."

I looked at him for a bit, but I couldn't do it. I couldn't talk to him about it, or to anyone. It had to stay inside, so I walked away.

"I know why you're being like this, Eleanor!" he shouted. "I know why because I do it too."

I stopped. What did he mean? He had no idea what it was like. I heard his footsteps come closer again and soon, he turned me around gently.

"You're doing it because you think it's easier this way. That if you don't let anyone in, no one can hurt you. But it's not a good way to live, Eleanor. It's not."

"Then why are you like that?" He was quiet for a while, looking in the distance, his jaw clenched. And then he looked back at me, his grey ice surprisingly calm after being asked a personal question.

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