Chapter 28 - So that's what you were doing in here

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She was beautifully out of place. Sometimes I believe she intended to be like the moon during the day.

- D.R.

I spent all of Saturday in the library. I wanted to get some reading done in preparation for the O.W.L's and I wanted to avoid Malfoy as much as possible, so that worked out quite nicely.

But at eight in the evening, a headache started developing and I knew it had been quite enough for today.

"Eleanor Selwyn? Can I ask you something?" I heard and turned around.The girl who had spoken to me on her first day stood in front of me.

"Scarlett Lympsham, I see that you've taken my advice into account", I smiled.

"Yes, I have", she beamed. "You remembered my name."

"Of course I did. Well, what's the matter?" I asked.

"Uhm ... Me and my friends heard rumours about Dumbledore leaving and Professor Umbridge taking his place. I was wondering if you know more about that."

"Oh", I frowned. "That's the first thing I'm hearing about the subject, but thank you for mentioning it. I'll look into it." Scarlett nodded and darted off. Umbridge headmistress? Please let it not be true. I sighed, grabbed my bag and made my way to the common room.

Tracey and Daphne had gathered on the couches in the common room, accompanied by Blaise and Malfoy.

"Oi, Lea, finally!" Tracey called out for me. I smiled shortly and sat down next to her.

"This first year just told me that there are rumours about Umbridge becoming headmistress, am I missing something?" I asked, putting my bag down.

"Oh yeah, Draco just told us.", Tracey grunted. "The Inquisitorial Squad managed to catch Potter's little rebel group. Dumbledore ordered Harry to create it apparently, so the Ministry released him from his position. Umbridge is taking over.

"Oh Merlin, that's going to be pleasant", I sighed, sinking into the soft material of the couch.

"Can't decide who'd be a worse headmaster to be honest", Daphne shrugged. I looked up, noticing Malfoy next to her, his arm draped around her shoulder. He'd got to be kidding.

"I'm going to lie down, got a headache", I mumbled and stood up. I was not in the mood for this. I made my way over to my dorm and decided to catch a quick shower before heading to bed. This was going to be the least exciting Saturday in history.

I didn't notice how tense my muscles were until the warm shower water ran over them. I took a couple of deep breaths and tried to relax them as much as possible. This whole Malfoy situation was doing my head in.

I grabbed my berry shampoo from the shelf and gently washed my hair. My mum always gave me bath products with scents like Cashmere and Mahogany, but there was no better smell than sweet winter berries, so I always bought some on Hogsmeade trips.

I dried myself off using some spells and slipped into a dark green pyjama set. It would be a read-a-book-with-a-candle kind of night.

I heard a knock on the door and sighed. I always locked the door when showering, just in case.

"Alohomora", I mumbled, opening the lock. But no one came in.

Another knock. I sighed and stood up, opening the door.

"What do you want?" I asked as I was surprised by the person on the other side of the door. What was Malfoy doing here?

"I need one of Daphne's jumpers", he said, leaning against the door. I consciously pulled the shirt of my pyjama set a little closer and frowned.

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