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This is the moment you all have been waiting for....


arianna riddle

I was in the bathroom washing my face before bed and Lorenzo was already lying down in bed.

"Ari, I've been thinking.."


"What if I go check on Lucille?"

I dry my face and walk into the room.

"Sure, why not. I mean it's been nearly 15 days since we've seen her. I'd go to, but I still can't face Molly and Arthur Weasley. I'm the reason their son is..dead."

"I think it's best you stay, with Luna and Narcissa. Comfort Draco while I'm gone."

"When are you leaving?" 

"Morning, do you think I should buy her flowers? Like pots of flowers? Hermione told me that she really liked planting."

"Uhm, if you'd like." 

"Are you sure I can go? You haven't been feeling well-"

"Yes! You can go Enzo."

I walk towards him and stand in between his legs.

"Tell Luce I miss her for me, okay?"

"Okay," he responds with a smile and pulls me closer to him.

He kisses me, then kisses my forehead.

"Will you tell Draco?"

"Bloody hell, I'm not going to tell him, he'll beg to come along!" 

I chuckle and sit down next to him.

"You feel warm darling, before I leave I'll tell Luna to make you some tea." 

"I love you Enzo."

"I love you more."


I wake up and turn to my side.

Lorenzo already left. 

I sigh, and turn to the nightstand as see a letter.

I've already left, I told Luna that when you wake up to make you some tea. I'll hopefully be back soon. 

I love you,

Lorenzo Berkshire

I get up and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. 

As I'm brushing my teeth I start gagging. 

I try to ignore it and continue brushing my teeth. 

I then spit out my tooth paste and turn to the toilet.

I start throwing up and Luna rushes into my room.

"Oh my goodness!" She yelled and held my hair up.

I stop throwing up and I look at Luna.

"Thanks Luna." I groan and get up to rinse my mouth out.

Luna flushed the toilet, and I started brushing my teeth again.


Narrator's POV

"Lorenzo told me to give you this tea when you woke up-. I heard the water turn on so I assumed you woke up and-" Luna frantically said.

"Thank you Luna, he told me you would come" Arianna replied with a smile. 


Lorenzo just made it to the Burrow with different pots of flowers. He was having a cup of tea with Hermione, Ginny, Harry and Molly.

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