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THANK YOU ALL FOR 40K VIEWS ON THIS STORY!! I never expected to get this many views, I would have never expected this to blow up, I appreciate you all so much!

Now, there are some things that I need to say. First of all, this story is mainly Arianna's point of view, so, whatever she thinks or feels is what you all see. For example, if she says, "Lorenzo hated the baby, I could tell," you all don't know if Lorenzo ACTUALLY hates the baby, unless I change the pov to Lorenzo's. SO DON'T HATE HIM LMAO.



arianna riddle

Lorenzo, Draco, Blaise, Luna, Astoria, Blaise, Onyx, Narcissa, Lucille and I are sitting outside around a table.

Lorenzo's asleep on my shoulder.

Everybody's drunk, besides me.

Narcissa was half-asleep with her head resting on the table, Luna was laying her head on Astoria's shoulder, while Astoria had her arm around her, Onyx was laying down on Blaise's lap, and Lucille was laying her head on Draco's shoulder.

I still haven't talked to her, and I hope I won't have to.

"So," Draco blurted as he got up to grab another beer bottle, "What are you going to name him?" 

Everyone looked towards me.

I nudge Lorenzo awake.

He slowly woke up and got off of my shoulder, "What's wrong?" He asked as he yawned.

"What do you want to name the baby?" I ask and everyone waits in anticipation.

He looked at me then looked at everyone else.

"I don't know-. Maybe- Sebastian?" 

"Sebastian?!" Lucille blurted, "Are you sure, that doesn't seem like a cute-" 

"I think it's a cute name," I interupt, "But, there's this name I really liked. Luna, what's your father's name again?"

Luna lifted her head up to look at me, "Xenophilius, why?"

"I love it, it's unique." I look over at Lorenzo, "Do you like the name?" 

"I love it," he said with a smile.

"My father would be honored to have your child named after him," Luna blurted.

"Why do you say that, Luna?" Draco asked.

"Everyone's been calling you the most powerful witch, once they found out that you were able to bring back the dead. You didn't know?"

"No.." I say lowly. 

I bet they didn't know that I used dark magic to bring them back. 

Dark Magic.

I hope Xenophilius doesn't inherit that from me..

"Well, I'm also considered 'evil,' maybe he wouldn't be too happy to have my child named after him," I chuckled as I looked at Luna.

"My father only sees the good in people, I'm sure he'll be honored," She assured.

I looked at her and smiled.


"What time is it?" I mumbled.

"1:00 A.M." Draco responded as he stood up.

He put his hand out for Lucille to hold.

"We're going to bed," He muttered and they walked off.

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