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I'm sorry that I've been taking FOREVER to update, but I don't want to make like cringy moments or drag on the story too much. I think that's why Naomi did a 17 year time jump on Filthy lol, because she didn't want to drag it on, but I'm not going to do that to y'all lol.

Also, I MESSED UP THE TIMELINE A BIT LOL, so basically I'm keeping Zeno as Zeno, because I love him lol, so his birthdate is March 13, 1998, but, I guess I timed it wrong, so this chapter, she's actually way closer to her due date than she was last chapter, she's around 6 months pregnant.

arianna riddle

I slowly open my eyes and sit up.

I look over at the clock.

10:32 AM

I get out of bed and walk over to my bag of clothes.

I change into an oversized dark blue shirt, and black pants.

My clothes are barely fitting me now.

As I'm putting my shoes on, someone knocks on the door.

I huff and walk over.

I open the door and Draco's standing on the other side.


"Hi," he says as he walks into the room, and sits down on the corner of the bed awkwardly. 

"Draco- what are you doing here?" I ask as I close the door.

"Didn't Lorenzo tell you? I'm taking you to your doctor's appointment."

"Are you sure?" I ask and sit down next to him, "I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable-. Considering that you, unfortunately lost your baby-"

He put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him, "I promise, I'm okay with it. Enzo kept telling me how he wished he could come, and I reassured him that I would be with you every second we were there." 

I chuckle and look down at the floor.

"Nervous?" He asked as he lifted my chin up.

"Very." I reply, "I mean, we're only 17, almost 18, and we're having a baby-. It's just a lot, I don't know how to feel, one moment I'm excited, then the next I'm terrified." 

"I felt the same way-. I mean, I was really excited, but there were moments where I was terrified of being my father." 

I put my hand on his back, "You'll never end up like your father, Draco. I know you won't-."

"Yeah, Lucille told me that a lot.." He said and stood up to look at me.

He put his hand out for me to grab it. 

I held his hand and he pulled me up.

I let go of his hand and we walk out of the room.


We apparate in front of St. Mungo's

Draco tries to regain balance.

"Are you okay?" I ask while trying not to laugh.

He just stared at me and started walking.

"Draco, wait," I said while catching up to him.

We walked in and checked in.

We sat down in the waiting room.

He picked up my hand and looked at my rings.

"You still wear this?" He asked while fiddling with the ring he gave me.

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