Common room

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   It's been stressful being back at Hogwarts knowing what's going to happen in a couple months. The only people who had known what was going to happen were Draco, the Death Eaters and I. Draco and I had been rude to Lucille all dinner, but something was off, Draco wasn't acting like he used to.

"I mean look at you! You're wearing a fucking tight button up thigh high socks, and a short skirt. It's your last year at Hogwarts and suddenly you think I should fucking respect you while you're looking like that?!" Draco snaps at Lucille.

"It's just human decency Malfoy, besides Arianna is wearing the same thing." She replies while pointing at me. I give her a death stare. "Don't point at me Granger, or I'll bite your fucking finger off." I reply.

"Woah, calm down Ari," Enzo tells me, as he wraps his arm around me. "Get your arm off of her Berkshire." A deep voice intervenes. It's Jack. Lorenzo throws his arms up in the air.

"Shove off Jack, I'm fine by myself." I tell him. "Awe did I get my baby sister mad?" This pisses me off even more than I already am, so I grab my wand and put it to his throat, "Just leave me alone Jack, I've already sacrificed everything for you to be where you are right now."

"Remember what mom used to say. She never wanted us to be like thi-" I cut him off and push him, to sit back down. "I know what she would say Jack I don't need to be reminded. She's dead, she's gone, all we have is.." The whole table goes silent, Lorenzo puts his arm around me again, and Jack storms away.

"Anyways, what were we talking about." I ask, trying to diffuse the tension.

"I just think it's funny that you think you're entitled to my respect. I Draco Malfoy, a pureblood, do not need to respect your kind." I was taken back a bit, and I could tell that Lucille was getting nervous. I have to admit it, I hope Lucille didn't think that just because she hangs out with us means we respect her. "Loosen up a bit, Malfoy. It's our last year. I think it's time you two become friends." Blaise suggests. "We've been friends for 6 years, and the only two who don't get along are you and Luce."

Lucille looks at Blaise and they smile at each other. "I'll loosen up when I fucking want to." Draco Growls. "Draco you're a dick." Enzo remarks, and laughs. "You agree with me don't you Arianna?" Draco asks, all of their heads turn to me, and I nod causing Draco to smirk.

He jumps from the table and says, "You guys are fucking annoying, I'll see you later."

"Just ignore him, Luce. Maybe once he gets a little drunk he'll loosen up." Onyx reassures Lucille. "Drunk? Drunk when?" Lucille asks. I roll my eyes. She's with us all day how does she not know when. "The boys' dorm, in Blaise's room, a couple of Slytherins will be there for a little fun. We're celebrating the last first year back." "You can try the muggle-herb too." Lorenzo tells her.


Lorenzo and I went straight to the boys' dormitories after dinner, we had nothing else to do. We sat in front of the doors that led into the dormitories for hours, just talking. I was lying on his lap while I looked up and he looked down at me. We started smoking the weed and drinking. We got high pretty fast. Then the door opens. There they are Lucille and Onyx.

We all sit in a circle and play truth or dare with veritaserum first. "Truth or Dare" Blaise asks Lorenzo. "Truth" he replies. Finally, he's been doing dares this whole game. "Is it true you've had a crush on Arianna since 5th year?" He gulps and takes a sip out of the veritaserum and replies, "Yes."

"Let's play another game!" I say, changing the subject. "How about spin the bottle?" Everyone agrees so we put one of Lorenzo's MANY beer bottles down and Draco goes first. He spins the bottle, it's spinning and spinning, it starts slowing down, heading towards Lucille, but then it continues on to me. Fuck. "Fuck me" I accidently say out loud, and Draco smirks. "Not like that.." I correct myself.

I crawl towards Draco and we make eye contact as he smiles, and I kiss him. I pull away but he grabs the back of my neck and pulls me in again, he's kissing me and I can feel him smiling and he picks me up and places me on his lap and we're basically making out at this point. I pull away again and I'm still out of it so I sit back down still confused on what just happened.

After the stunt Draco pulled Lorenzo was pissed the rest of the night.

The night progresses and I sit next to Lorenzo once again, "I'm sorry Enzo. I didn't know you felt that way towards me, then Draco and I-" "It's okay Arianna. I'm not mad at you." We smile at each other for a while, still not sober. I lay onto his shoulder again, and I look over to see Lucille coming over to us. "Lorenzo, could I try some muggle-herb?" she asks. "You? Lucille Granger?" he replies shocked. "Are you sure Lucille? Do you think that you can handle it?" She ignores me. 

Lorenzo continues to show her how to use it. She inhales it, but they has a fucking coughing attack. "Want another hit?" Lorenzo and I ask. She nods and as she's about to inhale it again Draco storms up to us and yells, "Can you stop fucking offering her the goddamn weed?" He takes it from her mouth. "Draco chill the fuck out!" I exclaim. "Take a hit and sit down Malfoy." Lorenzo snaps. "It's lucy who keeps asking me. I have no idea why you're being such a prissy bitch."

"Isn't that how you get girls to sleep with you?! Isn't that what you were doing to Arianna?" I look at Lorenzo for a response. No fucking response.

"Bold of you to assume that I want to sleep with Lucille!" Lorenzo yells at Draco.

I zone out at this point. Maybe because of the heartbreak? Or was it because I'm out of this world. Everyone in the fucking room is. "Why do you care anyways?" Lorenzo snaps at Draco. Draco panics and says, "I-I don't she's just hogging the fucking herb." "Bullshit" Lorenzo replies. "Lucille will you come her for a second? Come her Luce. Come by Enzo." I looked confused around the room and he gently grabs her arm.

"I think I know why you care, Draco. You won't admit it but I think I have an idea," "And why is that?" Blaise asks. Lorenzo looks at me then smirks at Onyx, Blaise, then Draco. He kisses her. My heart shatters even more. I grab a whole bottle of fire whiskey and I drank it down in one go. Am I seeing this shit right? Before I can even grasp what's going on Draco punches Lorenzo. "Come here Arianna." Draco calls me over. " wouldn't" Lorenzo says lowly. Then Draco pulls me into a kiss, it gets more and more aggressive as we progress. Then I pull back again.

"You know what you are? You're a fucking bitch Malfoy!" Lorenzo yells.

"Cry about it fucking blood traitor!" Draco exclaims back.


Hi guys, so if you haven't noticed it's mostly from the story but with different twists to i'd like to remind you that the original story is: Filthy - Babynaomi

Hiraeth| Lorenzo BerkshireHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin