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Arianna's POV

I couldn't sleep last night.

I kept on seeing Lorenzo's eyes staring at me while Draco punched him. I was so, so angry at him that I didn't care. I wanted to see him hurt.

I lay down in my empty bed. Why do I have to make things so complicated between Enzo and I? I guess I was just tired of it.


"Hey, Harry, have you seen Adrian?" I ask.

"I- Uh- no, the last time I saw him he was with, Daisy." He lowly responded.

"Oh..okay thanks."

I've had some trouble connecting with Pucey lately, he's been leaving me to go 'hang out' with Amelia, Daisy, or Delilah.

I wonder around the corridors, and walk into the Slytherin Common Room. There they were. Daisy was straddling Adrian, and they were making out. It took Pucey a few seconds before he noticed me, and when he did, he quickly pushed her off of him and started walking towards me.

Before he could reach me I walk out of the Common Room, not paying attention to what's ahead of me. How could he do this?! I just fucking lost my mom before school started and found out my dad was bloody Voldemort, and now he's doing this.

I turn my head to look at Adrian, when I bump into someone.

"Sorry." I apologize blankly, and they pull my arm back.

"You okay, Gallagher?" The familiar voice asked. I quickly look to see who it was.

Lorenzo Charles Berkshire.

I had seen him around before, but I never talk to him. He practically lives at the Malfoy Manor. So, I'll see him a lot more often.

"I'm fine, Lorenzo."

"She's fine Berkshire, how about you run along with your little friends." Pucey interrupts.

Lorenzo looks at me and mouths, 'did he hurt you?'

I didn't respond and I just looked at the floor. He quickly let go of me and tackled Adrian down and started punching him over and over again.

He then grabbed the hem of his shirt, "Stay away from her. If you ever come close to her again, it'll be the last thing you do."

I just stood there in shock.

"Don't settle for fucking shitty guys who treat you like this. A man should never kiss another girl when they already have a fucking girlfriend."


I turned to look at what time it was.

8:19 A.M.

It was so bloody early and yet I didn't sleep all night. I get up and start changing. Draco and I have to start fixing the cabinet, we're so close. I can tell.

I walk over to my bathroom and pull out my toothpaste and toothbrush.

I start brushing my teeth and thoughts of Lorenzo and Lucille start flooding my brain.

'Does Enzo love her more than me?' 'If she wasn't dating Draco, would Enzo date her?' 'I wish he were here right now.'

I walk out of my dorm and walk towards the common room doors. I look to my left to see Lorenzo standing outside of Lucille's door, knocking. I scoff and continue walking. I open the common room door and as I'm about to walk out, Lorenzo yelled, "Arianna-"

I quickly walked out and closed the door. I wait a couple of seconds to see if he will follow me. He didn't.

It was for the best anyways, I had to go to the room of requirement, and he shouldn't follow.


Draco and I have been here for hours, we should be at lunch, but we're determined to finish this cabinet, so we can get this over with.

"Harmonia Necture Passur," I huffed.

"You're saying it wrong Riddle," Draco spat and he grabbed my hand that had my wand in it, and held it up, "Harmonia Necture Passu."

"Draco," A voice said lowly. Immediately, Draco and I raise our wands at the person. It was Lucille. When Draco realized it was her, he quickly put his wand down. I kept it up.

"Keep your wand up Draco. What if it's not Lucille, but someone disguised at Lucille with Polyjuice Potion." I huff.

Draco didn't listen. I swear if it's Harry or Hermione I will murder him. I put my wand in my pocket.

"Whatever, I'll leave you two alone." I jeered, and started walking past Lucille, "Please don't have fucking sex in the cabinet." I yelled.

I left the Room of Requirement, to find Lorenzo. I pass by the Great Hall and see him sitting at the table with Blaise and Onyx. I walk over to them, and sit down next to Lorenzo.

"Hey guys." I say lowly.

Nobody responds.

I clear my throat, "Can I talk to you Lorenzo, privately."

He looks at me.

"Fine." He replies blankly.

I grab his hand and lead him out of the Great Hall. I close the doors behind us, and we stand in front of them.

"Look, I'm sorry Enzo-"

"No, I'm sorry," He interrupts, "I haven't been treating you right, I've been doing what Pucey was doing."

"No- don't compare yourself to him, please. You're way better than he ever was." I cup his face and look at the bruises on his lips and cheekbones.

"I- I don't want you to leave me, please."

I smile and look at him.

"I would never leave you Enzo." I reply.

He pulls me closer to him and kisses me.


This one was a bit shorter, but I needed to bring Arianna and Lorenzo CLOSER again, because of what's going to happen during the war....

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