Dear Jack

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Dear Jack,

I know we aren't on the best terms, but I wanted to know if you're still keeping your promise. Please tell me you are. I need you right now. I need my older brother. He's coming soon, I've found out how to finish my task, but I haven't told anyone. I'm trying to play dumb so I wouldn't have to 'finish fixing the cabinet.' I'm scared Jack. Please write back and tell me that you'll be here and fight with me when the war starts. I found out how to use my 'dark magic' ability to bring back the dead, I'm thinking of bringing back the Potters, and of course Sirius, he was a great godfather to Harry and I but, that's not the topic right now. Right now, I don't even know if I'll make it out alive. I've found things, I've read father's mind in my 'dreams.' I can't write it here, but you'll see eventually, but if it does happen, stay with Lorenzo for a while. As soon as you're done reading, this letter will burn, so nobody will find out what's going to happen in a few days.

Til I write again, 

Arianna Riddle 

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