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Hey this will be the first and last time I use babynaomi's chapter name, just because I didn't want to do 'war' for the name, it just seems lame. I'm a very emotional person sometimes, and tbh this chapter made me cry, (I'm a cancer lol) so enjoy...

arianna riddle

It's been a week since Draco and I arrived back from the Malfoy Manor, and we finally fixed the Vanishing Cabinet.

My heart starts racing. It's the dreaded day..

Draco notices my breathing quickening and holds my hand.

"We'll be okay," he assures, "I'll always protect you."

He shows me his ring that has the word 'always,' engraved on the top, and I show him the ring he gave me that has the word 'forever,' also engraved on the top.

"Have you succeeded?" Snape interrupted. Draco looks up and I turn around to see him creep closer to the cabinet, and running his fingers against it.

"Yes." Draco and I said in unison.

He looked the cabinet up and down then glanced at us, "Good."

"Um, w-when will they invade?" Draco asks.

"Soon," Snape responded slowly.

I started hyperventilating once again, and I look at Draco. Lorenzo has to leave, I can't loose him.

"Um, I-I'll be back." Draco blurted and quickly started walking off. I look at Snape and he nods.

I start walking quickly, and catch up with Draco.

The skies were darkening, thunder was rumbling very loudly, the air got colder as Draco and I sped through the halls.

"Everyone to your dorms," A voice said and Draco and I turned our heads to see Professor McGonagall ushering the students into their rooms. A tear rolled down my cheek, and I quickly wiped it away. 

We finally made it to the Slytherin Commons. The students were looking out the window, I turned to see Lorenzo, Onyx and Blaise. I tapped Draco's shoulder and pointed towards them. 

We quickly ran to them.

"You need to leave." I stammer.

"What?" Lorenzo questions.

"Lorenzo, you need to bring yourself and Lucille to the Manor as soon as possible." Draco adds.

"Woah are you alright? You look like you just saw a ghost." Enzo responded, "What's going on?" 

Tears started welling in my eyes.

"Are you okay?" Lorenzo asks.

"T-there's no time to explain! You all need to evacuate Hogwarts immediately and stay at the Manor, all of you, really." Draco exclaimed.

"All of us? Are you two in danger?" Onyx questioned.

"All of us are in danger Onyx." I reply.

"If you're in danger then I'm staying," Blaise stated.

"That's a death wish Blaise, Draco and I have no choice but to stay." I respond.

"I'm not leaving you Blaise, I'm staying as well." Onyx added.

I threw my head back at their stupidity. 

"No you can't- I-It's too dangerous," Draco stuttered.

"Mate," Blaise said while looking Draco in the eye, "We're staying." 

I look at Lorenzo who knows what's happening, "Lorenzo you need to take Lucille, and leave immediately, I can't- I can't loose you too." I stammered. 

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