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Tyler's POV


"Why not Tyler."

"Because the doctor said. Your not leaving rill tomorrow and thats final."

"Come here babe"

"No because your gunna kiss me then ask me and I will say yes and them we'll be going home. Tell him Tilly and peter. He can't leave he's still not well."

"I feel fine Tyler. Please." For the past hour me and Logan have been arguing as he wants to go home. The doctor advised he didn't so they can keep an eye on his vital organs or something like that. Ever since then I've been standimg my ground.

"Please Tyler I'm getting claustrophobic in here." He pouts slightly and looks around the room in fear.

"Good acting mate. You've been here for a day awake and you've been fine. You should go and drop the alpha title and become an actor. You ain't leaving this room on my watch mister."

"Knock knock." My mum notices the tension in the room. "Is this a bad time."

I say "yes" while Logan says "no" at the same time. "OK while your brothers awake Tyler and he wants to see you." I groan

"Fine I'll go see him but he," I say pointing at Logan "is not allowed to leave the room. I might call his dad. Yeah imma do that real quick." I smirk at Logan as he is the only member of the pack who his alpha voice doesn't work on.


Yes Tyler?

Would you mind coming and making sure Logan doesn't leave the hospital. Your the only person, apart from me, who his alpha voice doesn't work on. Toby needs to talk to him. I'm afraid his gunna alpha command the doctor into letting him leave.

Tyler its fine I'll be over in a minute!

Oh thank god!

I turn to a frustrated Logan and smirk

"Guess who's on his way Logan."

He growls and slouches in his bed. "You are so annoying at times Tyler."

I walk up to him and peck his lips "I know" his dad walks in and my smirk grows bigger. "Thanks Paul. Love ya Logan. Be good and don't make Paul call me because there will be a punishment." I whisper the last part so o ly he can hear. He gulps and nods his head. I turn to Paul and nod before going to see Toby.

"Tyler!" I'm embraced in a bear hug as soon as I walk through the door. I hug back instantly.

"How are you? I heard you were kidnapped." I laugh and nod.

"I'm fine" Lie. The biggest lie of my life. I was far from fine. Only Logan knew and I threated to chop of his balls and feed them to rouges if he told anyone. Especially my family and his. I pulled back and sat on his bed.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Well your wolf. And some other things but yeah. Spill what does she look like."

"Its hard to explain and I will show you later when your outta hospital. Now what is this really about." I raise an eyebrow

"That easy to tell huh?"

"Your my brother of course I can tell. Your an open book to me. Now spill before I force it putta ya"

"I've found my mate" he mumbles if I didn't have enhanced hearing I wouldn't have been able to tell.

"Pmfg this is amazing! What's wrong! Toby what is so bad about it?"

"Well you see she's a rouge. It was during the fight. I caught her eye and the next thing I know I'm on the ground fighting against another wolf. She comes along and kills him. Then I get knocked out. I think she is in the cells. I know she's still alive. And she's near I need you to talk to Logan about her."

"No problem. He shouldn't mind. Might have to throw a kiss in here and there. But no prob-"

"Logan. Get back her now."

"Oh for fucksake. He's gunna be the death of me. Take care. Ok. Ice got a mate to catch." He chuckled at me and gave me once last hug.

"Logan get your ass here now." I yell down the corridor. He stops and spins but only comes face with his dad. "Shit." He mumbles "we need to talk about something important. Now get your ass in there before I cut you up and feed you to the rouges." He growls and grudgingly walks into his room. Me close behind. "OK Toby found his mate I  the fight the other week. He said she is in the cells as he can feel her close by. I need your permission for her to join the pack so my brother and her can be together." I say he thinks about this for a second before saking his head no. I growl. "Come I what if it were me."

"Good point but still no"

"I don't care what you say I'm going to meet her whether you like it or not." I growl and walk out the room towards the cells. I take a deep breath and walk inside.


A/N OK that is it till Wednesday. There will be a few updates on Wednesday





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