Angry Luna

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Logans POV

Kill them she says. I pick up my phone and call Joe.

"Hello Joe speaking." He picks up after two rings.

"Hello. Joe its me Logan. I'm killing them. I need you to come and take Finn and I'm taking Jake. I can't handle both of there packs with having to get my pack back together." I say.

"OK I'll be over in a few hours. Do I have permission to cross into your territory?"

"Yes. I'll see you in a few hours." I don't hesitate. I hang up and look at Tyler. See is fast asleep already. I groan and lie next to her. Her huge form instantly wraps around me. Her large head on my chest. I smile slightly and drift off to sleep.


"Alpha. Alpha Joe is 10 minutes away." One of the Omega's say. I groan and dismiss them. I shake Tyler awake and she growls at me.

"Ty, wake up. We need to great alpha Joe. He's come to help me sort out Finn and Jake." Her ears perk up and she jumps off the bed.

I want in! She says eagerly. I shake my head no and she growls at me. Why not?

"Because I don't want you getting hurt or the stress put on you."

He is threatening me, my pups, you and my pack. I will help I need to have some input after all they've done. To all of us. At least let me make them bleed a bit. She pleads. I groan and nod. She jumps up o the bed next to me and licks my face. I groan and playfully swat her head away.

"Come on Joe won't be long." I say as get off the bed. I head downstairs with Tyler. She sits by my side on the porch. Joes black hummers come into view and I stand up. He comes to a stop and he jumps out with about 10 men with him. He walks up to us and shakes my hand.

"Long time no see Logan. I'm sorry about your pack house and all. It shouldn't take long to fix up. I saw the damage. Its not as bad now the smoke has cleared." He says. He turns to Tyler. "And this must be Tyler. I'm alpha Joe nice to meet you." He extends his hand and Tyler sniffs him before nodding in approval.

Tell him I say hi. She says to me. I nod to her.

"Thank you for coming. Tyler says its nice to meet you. I'm truly greatful to you for coming and helping out with Jake and fi-" I didn't get to finish. Tyler growled and jumped off the porch. I furrow my eyebrows.

Me and Joe exchange confused looks before running after her. I huff at the sight. Tyler is standing in between two males who looked like they were fighting.

What is going on here? She yells through the link. Looking at both the wolves. They are two of my best warriors. How Tyler split them up is beyond me. I walk up and stand next to Tyler. Both the wolves look nervous. So? She yells again.

"Nothing Luna, were sorry." Phil, one of the warriors said. He throws on a pair of shorts and so does Toby. Great her own brother got in a fight. Did I mention that Toby is one of my warriors. Toby looks at his feet not looking at his sister.

Wait! Werewolves? (Complete)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon