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Tyler's POV

I groaned as my dad tried for the 5th time to get me out of bed. I flipped onto my stomach to then only seconds later have a bucket of cold water thrown over me. I jump up and Landed on the floor with an ompf. I turn and glare at my dad while he is holding his stomach with laughter.

"Serves you right Tyler. I did warn you" I narrow my eyes and go to my bathroom to have a warm shower. My hair flows to about my mid back and is naturally curly. My hair is a vibrant red and my eyes are grey. I jumped out of the shower and walk into my wardrobe and pulled on a pair of black lace underwater and bra with black skinny jeans and a red t-shirt with a black love heart on it. I dry my hair and brush the knots out. I do my usual make-up which consists of mascara, eyeliner and a tiny bit of lip gloss.

I put my white British knights on and run down stairs. I grab a slice of bacon off my dads plate. I grab my car keys. I have a red Ferrari.

"Bye mum, e dad. See you later" I yell

"Bye sweetie have a good day" they say in unision.

I dive in my car and start it. Listening to the sweet sound of my babys engine rumble to life. I impatiently tap my finger on the starring wheel as I wait for my 16 year old brother Toby to get in. He can't drive yet and has failed his test 3 times already so I have to drive him to school.

After about 5 minuets of waiting I put the car in reverse and start to back up until I hear the garage door open. Toby gets in the car being careful as one time he scratched the door and I went ballistic to say the least. He ended up hanging from his window by his shoelaces.

"Finally! What took you so long?"

"Nothing just trying to piss you off"

I punched him and drove out of the garage. Oh yeah did I mention my mum and dad are loaded. I got my Ferrari for my 17th birthday. I pulled onto the main road and went to school. Normally I would rush but there was no point as we were already late due to my pain in the ass brother.

I got to school in about 20 mins and went to park in my usual spot to find it taken by a black Porsche. I frown and start hunting for another spot. I find one about 5 spaces down. There were a lot of new cars in the car park today.

Me and Toby got out the car and walked inside. We went to reception to see about 30 people there and by the look of it all of them were enrolling. I grabbed Toby's arm and yanked him to the desk through the crowd. Mrs. Night was sat there glaring at me once she saw me. I just narrowed my eyes and glared back. Another thing you should know about me is I don't take shit from no one not even my own parents. People say stubborn I say determined.

"Late again Ms. And Mr. Winters. Please enlighten me as to why you are late."

Before Toby got a chance to cover his ass I spoke and said "well you see, Mrs. Night, that my brother her has no concept of time and really likes pissing me off. So he thought it would be funny to keep me waiting for 5 Minutes. And then I couldn't park my car as some dick parked in my space. Which I pay for might I add. And I know that dick is in hear as no one and I mean no one in this school owns a black Porsche." I smiled sweetly. Completely aware of all the newbies looking at me, with what I'm guessing is shock.

Mrs. Night frowns at my answer and gives me and Toby a late slip. I turn around to start walking away to only come face to face with a rock hard chest. I almost fall when the mysterious dude wrapped his arm around my waist and stopped me from falling.

I looked up to see the most handsome guy I have ever seen. His hair was pitch black and looked like he just got out of bed with it spiked and gelled in all the right places. He had a very well chiseled face and chocolate colour eyes. I could see his 6 pack clearly through his shirt. I looked up at his eyes and everything seemed to stop. It felt like only me and him were in the world and that nothing else was happening.

I pulled away "Thanks. I'm Tyler" I said casually. He what sounded like growled when I pulled away. I drew my eyebrows together and frowned.

"I'm Logan" he said in such a husky voice I just wanted to jump him there and then. We just stood there staring at each other for god knows how long till my idiotic brother cleared his throat. I groaned inwardly.

"Yes Toby"

"Were going to be late"

I fake sniffed the air "Do you smell that Toby?"

"Smell what?"

"Me not giving a fuck! Now go to class and meet me after school." Toby turned and walked away but yelled after him "You touch my car your dead Toby! Clear. Dead." He chuckled before completely vanishing. I turned around to see all Logan and the newbies looking at me in shook. I raised an eye brown and turned to the desk and went to grab my bag to realise I left it in the car "shit" I cursed under my breath. I grab my late note and car keys and sprint to my car hoping not to miss my second period which is art.

A/N wow first chapter longest chapter I ever wrote in either of my books. I hope you enjoy it. Its set in america but I'm British so it might have some mistakes. I wrote this on my tablet so again spelling mistakes. 1055 words!





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