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Tyler's POV

I shut my car door and locked it to spin and come face to face with Logan. He smiled at me and I frowned.

"May I help you, Logan" 

"Yes you can actually."

I frowned and raised an eye brown and giving him the contiune-or-go-fuck-off look

"1 sorry the black Porsche is mine and 2 I need help finding my class" he said.

I sigh and say "give me your timetable." He hands it to me. I scan it and resit the urge to frown. I look up at him and motion with my hand for him to follow "your in all my classes so just follow me." He nods and follows beside me matching my stride.

"Hope you don't mind me asking," I say after a few seconds of silence, "why did all of you join on the exact same day I mean I have never seen you around town before?"

He looked down at me and realised he was like a whole foot and a half taller then me. I am 5'3 while he is about 6'6. He was pretty intimidating.

"We all live together in a community in the forest and we moved here from the west coast because some stuff happened." I nodded and walked into art.

I took my seat next to my best friend, Mia."hey bitch" I said. "Hey my ginger monster. Why you late again might I add." I groan and lean my head on my desk in an annoyed way. I mumble 1 word "Toby." I here a chuckle next to me and know its not mia and look up to see Logan stood next to me. He gesters to the vacant seat next to me and I just nod my head. He smiled and took a seat.

"Mia this is Logan. One of the newbies. Logan this is Mia, my best freind." I introduce mia and Logan. Logan glares at Mia and Mia returns it.

The entire lesson Mia and Logan just glare at each other. About half way through I finally decide to breaks the stare off. "OK CUT IT OUT NOW IM REALLY STARTING TO GET PISSED OFF AT YOU TWO! YOU DONT EVEN KNOW EACH OTHER OR SAID 'HI'. NOW STOP STARING AND GET A FUCKING GRIP!" and with that I left the room to too cool off before I punch someone. And before you say I wouldn't do that trust me I would.

One time my teacher got mad at me for not doing my work to his standers and punched him square in the face when he started yelling.

I heard footsteps behind me and turn expecting to see Mia but actually seeing Logan walking towards me. He was tense and he looked pissed for some reason, probably me. I looked away and suddenly found the posters around the hall very intresting. 

He stopped walking in front of me and pulled me to his chest. At first I was shooked but when he nuzzeled his head in my neck I started to freak out. I pushed him but nothing like I just pushed a brick wall. "Logan get the fuck off me before a hurt you real bad." He just chuckled in response. I took that as my que and brought my knee up to his crown jewels and pushed him off. I walked up to him as he was doubled over holding his crown jewels and I whispered "you touch me again and I swear I will cut off your balls and feed them to the local wolf pack. Clear!" He grunted in response.

The rest of the day went by rather smooth. Except for at lunch all the newbies kept looking at Mia like a piece of trash. In the end I got up of my table and walked over to them and said:

"Leave my friend the fuck alone or god help you you will pay am I clear I'm fed up of this crap. Now leave us the fuck alone!"

Everyone in school was used to my outbreaks but I always gather a crowd or make the room silent. I stormed over to the table me, Mia and my other friends sit. My friends are; Jason, Will, Jordan, Sydney, Erin, Leah and Beth. I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply before I felt tiny electric shocks rushing through my body. I instantly relaxed and looked up to see Logan there. I frowned when he picked me up and put me on his lap.

"Did me threatening your crown jewels not make it clear to not touch me? An did my small demonstration not make it clear enough?"

"Sweetheart, you can touch me any way you want to." I raised an eyebrow as I countined to struggle against his hold on my waist, only for him to tighten it. I sighed and gave up trying when Will said "I'm gunna regret asking this but what did you do?" I chuckled and relaxed into Logans hold. And said "well this twerp right here," I started jabbing a thumb in his direction "was having a staring match with that twerp" I said pointing to Mia " and got pissed off so I yelled at them in art and stormed out. Ya know the usual. But then I went to cool off before I punched the teacher again, and then Logan came out pulled me into a hug and started nuzzeling my neck. So I told him to get off. He didn't so I kneed him where the sun don't shine." I said casually as all the boys including Logan cringed and held their crotch.

I laughed evily and then we all burst out laughing. If you hadn't noticed I was the comedian of our small group.

"OK who wants to come over to mine tonight for pizza and a movie." Everyone agreed. Logan leaned in and whispered "can I come?" I nodded a yes and we all started discussing what movie to watch. The bell went and everyone left leaving me and Logan to walk to chemistry.

A/N OK I know I am quite bad with spellings so please don't remind me on ever mistake.

So Tyler might be accepting Logan but what about his secret? Be patient it is only the second chapter. 1064 words





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