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Tyler's POV

I wake up sandwiched between Tilly and Logan. In my wolf form. I huff and lick Tilly's cheek. She grumbles and buries herself further into my fur. I huff and let my body relax.

It must of been hours before Logan finally stirred. I couldn't move as I didn't want to hurt Tilly or Logan. He realised my annoyance with not being able to move and detached Tilly from me. I got off the bed and shone my fur out.

"We never got round to that doctors appointment yesterday." Logan says with a smug look on his face. I huff and leave the room. Logan follows with Tilly waking up in his arms. He seems to like Tilly a lot.

I saw her look up at Logan before snuggling back into his chest and falling asleep. The entire pack knew I was pregnant by now. They were all on edge. 1) we have Finn to deal with 2)I'm their Luna and am being targeted and 3)I'm pregnant which means their even more protective then usual.

I walk into the kitchen and Logan puts Tilly on the sofa before following me in.

"Hungry?" He asks me and I nod my head. I was starving. I hadn't eaten since before the fight. He nods and goes to the fridge. He pulls out a pack of bacon and looks at me with a questioning look. I nod my head and wag my tail. He chuckles and goes to the stove.

I lie at his feet. Much to his annoyance. His excuse was he didn't want to drop the frying pan on me. I still didn't budge. The pitter patter of tint feet bought me back out of thought. I looked up and saw a group of pups walking in. I stood up and walked to them. They saw me and giggled before running off.

I playfully chased them around the pack house for 20 minuets. We got to the living room and they all collapsed on the floor panting. Logan came in then.

"Ty," he said. I looked up at him from my position on the floor "breakfast is ready." At that all the kids jumped up and into the kitchen. Logan made enough bacon to feed a entire country. He grabbed some before it all went and handed it to me. I ate it silently. Tilly walked in and grabbed a piece if bacon. I wanted another piece so I looked at Logan expectantly. He sighed and handed me another piece.

"Come on Ty, I gotta get changed. Then we have to go to the doctors." I growl at that. I hate the bloody doctors. Don't ask I just always have hated it. He gave me a cocky smile before leaving me with the bacon filled bundles of energy. Aka. Pups.

They all start running around the front of the house. I don't get involved. Just watch them as there are no other adults around. Its Sunday. Their all sleeping in and most people didn't fall asleep till the early hours of the morning.

I jump up as I hear a scream to my left. I dart that way. I see a little girl crying holding her ankle. Its bent at an odd angel and she is crying her eyes out. There is a broken branch next to her. She must of fell out the tree.

Logan! A pup fell out a tree and I think her ankle is broken! I say urgently.

I'll be right there. Was the only reply I got. I sat next to her and she cried into my fur. Logan came running out of the pack house and his eyes landed on me and then shifted to the little girls ankle. He walked over and carefully picked her up. He motions for me to follow. When it comes to the pups he is very gentle and caring. I love this about him. He chuckles.

"I heard that." He says over his shoulder. Shit! I forgot to out up my wall. "And that" I growl and put my wall up.

We walk for a good ten minutes before coming up to a building. Its smaller then the pack house but still rather big. Logan walks up still carrying the girl I learned who's name was Cassie. He opens the door with me right next to him. He walks up to a doctor.

"Alpha. Luna. How can I help?" He asks politely

"1) Cassie here fell out of a tree and her ankle is at an awkward angle. And 2) Tyler here needs a check up. We were meant to have it yesterday but got cut off and all." Logan replied. The doctor nodded and took Cassie from Logan. For some reason recently I am really protective of the pups in the pack.

We follow a different doctor down the hall. We stop in front of a room. She walks in and me and Logan follow behind. She motions for me to sit on the hospital bed and I jump up. Logan sits next to me and strokes my fur. I started to get a bit claustrophobic. What a massive wolf in a not so massive room. It gets a bit uncomfortable.

"I think we need to hurry up a bit. Tyler at eyou feeling OK." He directs his question at me.

Yeah just a bit claustrophobic. I say. He nods and tells the doctor. I zone out and only come back when the doctor touches my stomach. I jump up and growl.

A bit of warning mabey! I growl at Logan. He rolls his eyes.

"Here's your warning. Sit down Ty. Relax. Nothing bad is gunna happen." He says calmly. I comply but don't relax completely.

Why do I feel so protective of the pups in the pack lately? I ask the doctor. She looks at me and then countines examining me.

"Your Luna. So your naturally protective. But because your pregnant it increases tenfold." She says. She grabs a gel thing and tells me to lie on my side.

"This will be cold" she warns. I just nod and she applies the gel stuff. She finds a Tilly thing and starts rolling it on my stomach. An image appears on the screen. She's doing an ultrasound. It finally clicks. What I'm a bit slow today.

"Well your going to be busy." Me and Logan look at her confused. "Your having twins!" She says excitedly. Logan grins widely and I bark in happiness. She smiles at me before printing a picture and handing it to Logan. She wipes off the gel and I jump off the table. Logan says good bye and opens the door. I sprint outside and onto the front lawn. Logan follows.

"You were eager to get out." He says excusingly

Hey I was really starting to get claustrophobic. Sue me! I say the last bit sarcastically. Logan rolls his eyes and grins at me. I bark playfully and run up to Logan. I lick his face and get him to shift. We play for a few hours and I burn off some energy I have stored.

We get home and I go to sleep in the middle of the living room with the pack buzzing around happily. But I sensed a bit a worry in the air. And with that I slept like there's no tomorrow with the pups watching TV while stroking my fur.


Logans POV

We're having twins!


A/N sorry it is a bit short. I put the last part in because of YOLO. I may of may not be kinda hyper. Anyway I need baby names. ASAP! Hope you like it. Its 12:30am here. Hope your happy I updated so late. Now I sleep. You know what to do





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