Chapter 5

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"Dick, I want you to research that girl"

"Who, Clark's girl"?

" Yes, her. It's very important we understand who Damian spends his time with ".

" Well, she's a Kent, there's nothing that could be bad, like have you seen Jon "?

Bruce just shuddered. That boy was scary at times, always jumping around, excited about almost everything.

" well it's almost the first time I've seen her, so we must know why. Now go and stop asking questions".

"Right, sorry".

Dick quickly left off to the Batcave and started doing his research. It was very, very late, but Bruce wanted to know, so it was a must.

Dick typed in Marinette Kent and many results popped up.

Collège Françoise Dupont student President

Charity host

Child of the sun

Fashion contest

Winner to Gabriel Agreste's fashion shows

Exclusive interviews with Nadja Chammack

Paris' wonderful Super Angel

And much more weird stuff and sites. Everything seemed good. Dick went through her school records and it was all good as well. Nothing negative. Just good things. And digging more on her background and private history, she was just a hidden child.

" Bruce, there's nothing to really worry about. She seems fine in all areas and she was a hidden one, so it makes sense "

Bruce returned to where Dick was and spoke.

"But why would they hide her. It's unlike for Clark to do something like that".

" Well, as Clark is your best friend, you can ask him".

"No, you'll be doing that. As you are the officer here. Not me. You may go sleep now. Thank you for this information" . Bruce soon waived Dick off and decided he'd do a bit of more research on the girl.

But after hours of trying to find something, anything at all, he found nothing

Timeskip to school

As always, both Marinette and Damian started talking about the most random of things until two certain losers decided to intervene.

"Hey Demon Spawn, is that your girlfriend"? Teased Jason as Tim started snickering right behind him.

" Tt, no you im-"

" of course I'm his girlfriend. Can't you see me? I'm obviously the girl of his dreams. Come Dami, we must discuss more on mission P. Well have to add new targets". She quickly smiled at them and dragged Damian away.

"Timmy, Imma need you to say this during my funeral". Jason handed Tim a piece of paper with a few sentences.

" I died knowing the brat had a girlfriend. I died knowing she was definitely a bitch. And I died knowing I could've been an uncle in a few months. Ew, what the hell Jason "

"Eh, who cares. But when I pass out in class today, remember to read that when my line goes silent or at the reception".

" sure thing".

With the other two.

"Because of the chocolate incident, we have Dick labeled in red on our mission P. But now we have your other brothers, yes"?

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