Chapter 3

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"Jon, hurry up. I want to get home already"!!
Yelled Marinette. The school day was over and all Marinette was now thinking of, was Bat-Cow. That was all she was thinking about.

"Marinette, we have so much time to do anything, and, you want to go home and do chores"?

" Well, yes and no. But, you said Connor would come. Isn't that right"?


" then let's goooo"!!!

The two got on some car and drove off to their magnificent farm. The land was beautiful and definitely something to cherish. Coming from Clark, of course.

The two got out and Marinette dragged Jon along with her.

"Okay, show me Bat-Cow" .


" show me Bat-Cow ". She said slower.

" But, wait, how do you know about her"?

"Damian told me"! She said.

" Hmm, I see. Welp, let's go and see her. Did he even give you permission to see her or not".

"He did. So hurry and show me"!

Jon led his sister around the stalls in the barn and Jon gave Marinette a shovel.

" what's this for"?

"You'll see. It's for Connors little surprise" .

"Okay then".

The two left the barn and Jon walked Marinette down many paths until they reached a certain part of the land, where Bat-Cow was clearly seen enjoying the meadow.

" Come on".

The two walked closer and that's when they both sniffed the air. It happened.

"Ugh, what's that smell"!? Asked Marinette.

" Manure".

Marinette sighed and did everything Jon did. Clean up the manure and take it away.

"After this, you can have all the time you want with her. But, she might not like you at first. She's not fond of strangers. Or will ever be. I'm not a stranger and she still doesn't like me. So don't be sad when she rejects your kindness".

" Hmm, I think there's another reason Jon ". She said eyeing him. She walked up to the cow and inspected her.

" Ahh, it makes so much more sense".

Marinette rubbed her hand across the cow and she mooed. The cow did.

"Hmm, she seems to like me". Said Marinette.


"Yeah, I'm sure this has to do with Damian.  But don't worry big brother".

Jon smiled. He loved when Marinette called him her big brother.

Some time later, after finishing all of the chores and doing their homework in the fields, Marinette was now ready to go spend some time with one of Damian's most beloved pets.

" Can I have Damian's phone number please"? She asked.


" you heard me. First of all, he's like my only friend, besides you and Connor, but you two are my brothers. And, he's your friend too. And I want to talk to him, so please"???

Jon sighed. He had no idea what was going on with her but decided why not.

"Fine, I'll send you his number".

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