Chapter 11

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Marinette and Adrien were always great friends. Since the beginning, it was said they were going to end up together, but now? That was most likely going to happen.

Marinette had fully moved into the Agreste mansion by the second week she had moved in.

She used to attend Francis DuPont Collège, but now, she and Adrien attended a private high school.

A school that was worth people's money. Not some useless public school.

Day after day, Marinette and Adrien were seen walking out of the mansion together. It was obvious they attended the same school as they wore matching uniforms.

And as the weeks went by, the gossip and rumors grew.

Marinette and Adrien were now official.

It was on every heading to all sorts of articles and magazines.

Though at the same time, it was all so sickening.

The pictures taken were always altered to the point the things seen were not age appropriate. Though they would've made a good pair, doing these sorts of things was awful. It was just disrespectful to both of them and their families. But no one did anything about it.

What was there to do?

With Marinette

She was currently locked in her bedroom crying. She couldn't handle the fact that someone shoved something in her backpack, only to end up crying seeing what it was.

Sure, the heading said Latest Gossip. It probably wasn't true. And the images were probably altered. Just like the images shown to the people with her and Adrien.

Only, these images almost looked real. The more she flipped through the book, the more she just couldn't handle it. Her past relationship with him.

That was gone. Maybe it was her fault. If she hadn't taken him out that day. Things wouldn't be like this. If only they could've waited would things have been different.

But seeing Rachel and Damian smiling together like if they were the happiest people on earth? How long has it been?

Though that picture hardly bothered her after the last thing she saw which caused her to give up.

The two were holding hands kissing by the sunset.

She opened her window and threw that damn magazine out the window.

"Stupid sausage girl. What the hell does she even think this'll do? Is she that stupid to think with this, I'll let go of him"?

When Marinette first started attending her new school, everything was so weird. Yes, the students seemed smart. Not surprising. But they seemed to know exactly why she even started attending this school. They knew everything about her. And it scared her.

That's why she stuck close to Adrien. Which started causing all these rumors and such.

" Marinette"?

It was Adrien. Of course it was. Though for some reason, she didn't want to see him now. Normally, if he asked if she was okay, she would be nice and tell him everything. But with everything going on now, she felt that by letting him in, they would get closer than before anything ever happened. And this just wasn't the way she wanted to live.

Adrien could not be with her no matter what happened. She loved Damian. Even if there were a few things going on in her brain that told her to let him go. That this blonde boy was her salvation. And that everything would be just fine.

But she was not going to live in this lie. Whatever they did to her in that place, she was going to grab on to anything that helped her remember her feelings for him. Even if he was probably with another at the moment. She needed a life in which she could breathe honesty. Not some fake wonderland.

With Damian

In Gotham Academy

If you told Damian of the occurring events in Gotham, he would give you away to live a long never ending torture with the Joker.

This boy did not know of the things going on in France. Nor the rumors of Marinette and Adrien being a thing.

Rachel didn't even like him in that way. She was currently with Garfield. And very dedicated to their relationship. So the rumors with Damian Wayne and Rachel Roth were not real. It was all Photoshop.

"Hey Dami~"

"The hell do you want now".

" What's with the attitude beloved "?

" Don't fucking call me that".

"And why not? It's not like anyone's gonna care. Your ex has already moved on if you haven't realized. And you're just my type".

" Get away from me. All you are is a desperate goldigging whore. Go find yourself other needy animals. I'm not one of them".

That girl was about two years older than Damian and didn't care if he was too young for anything. If he was a Wayne, then that was enough. He had the money and looks. She would live the life she wished she deserved. Though, that was obviously never going to be the case. Especially because she was the one that created that photo with him and Rachel and somehow got it sent to France.

People would be thinking about this and saying this was a stupid idea. Yeah, that's what it seems like at first. But having so much attention, being the one that eventually steals him would give her a new name to the gossip industry.

And if she didn't sound to familiar, this girl was known as Lillian Rossi. Lila's older sister.

Damian decided he was not going to continue with his classes no more so he called Alfred to pick him up.

He was signed out and the moment he got in the limo, he started watching the news.

"Master Damian, what are you doing".

Damian's full attention was towards the small screen. Not towards the butler.

Alfred continued driving but could hear what Damian was watching.

" Master Damian, please turn the phone off".

He wasn't listening. And he was going to keep it like that.

As the minutes went by, the butler couldn't do anything but feel awful about his young boy. Though the phone was still audible, Damian's silent tears were as well.

The boy was in pain and all Alfred could do was listen.

"I'm so sorry master Damian"

They eventually arrived at the manor and Alfred opened Damian's door.

"Why did she have to do this".

He pinched the bridge of his nose and took a few deep breaths.

" Why"?

"Master Damian, I'm sure you'll get to her again".

" Pennyworth, I, just be quiet for once. My problems are my problems. You don't know what I'm going through even if you say you do know. NO YOU DON'T! Just leave me alone ".

He grabbed his bag and walked indoors. He was done with people and just decided he'd give up on much more than before.

Before meeting Marinette, his life was stupid and hard to live. There was so much corruption in it. And now, it's all gotten worse. With him being at fault for everything.

" might as well be a coward for once. At least it'll all end once it is done".

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