Chapter 10

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Can we pretend I never added that one song as my final goodbye to this book? Yeah? Yeah.



Marinette looked at her surroundings and sighed.


"I'M UP"!

The stupid door person left and Marinette wished she just didn't exist for a while. It was almost six in the morning and they decided to wake her up now.

She quickly dressed in the vintage gowns provided and she made sure to quickly do as she was told by the doorkeeper. Yes, a doorkeeper.

That person led her down to the entrance hall and that's when the headmaster of the entire school raised her voice at the girl.

" Little Kent, how was your sleep"?

She wasn't going to respond. She had a sort of history with that name. And she hated it.


" It was alright", she said. Doing her best to not flinch.

"When you speak to me, you look me in the eyes. Stupid girl. Hurry and line up with the other girls. You're late by the way. Wake time is 5:30 AM. Not 6:30".

She stood besides a red haired girl and that's when the woman started speaking.

" Would you like me to remind you why you are here? You are here because your parents hate you. They can't bare you. And they expect you change to not cause them no more embarrassment. I'd be embarrassed myself knowing I have a daughter who acts like a boy. A girl is a girl and is to act like one. No tomboys or anything. No liking other girls or friending boys to later mess around with them.

That is not a girl. That's just a stupid mistake. And I'd say all of you are stupid mistakes. No wonder you all ended up in a place like this.

I'm disgusted with all of you".

A few more rounds of cruel lectures were handed out and they were given their schedules for their lessons.

Each had their own personalized schedule fitting the parents expectations. And the things seen on the schedules, would change these girls completely.

Losing the part that helped love the same gender. It was said to be impossible. Honestly, could be. But the miracles this school worked, anything was possible.

And in the end, the messed up girls that entered the school left as well reformed women. Meant to later become housewives and such.

It was sad honestly. 

But it happened and pleased the guardians. 

In Wayne Manor

Damian was so tired of everyone, but held on to the last memory he had of Marinette. She had told him the name of the school, and with hours of research, and lots of digging, he found the school. Though it was on a private website, he found it. And the things he read, he made sure to write down all of his most memorable memories down. As she could completely forget about him when she returned.

"Damian, what are you doing".

"Nothing of your concern Grayson".

"Oh, alright, I just wanted to say, goodbye. I won't be returning Damian. Just understand you had nothing to do with it. Alright"?

"Grayson, just go if you must, I don't want to speak with anyone at the moment".

"Okay, see you later then". And with that, DIck took off.  He knew Damian was currently going through something hard right now, but he also had to know that people around him were affected just as well. Maybe in good ways, or in bad. And Dick, he was turned down by Bruce. Said he didn't belong in the family anymore. But Dick stood up to Bruce only because he loved his youngest sibling.

Four months later

Damian's pov

It's been four months today. Grayson disappeared and Marinette hasn't returned. The Kent's themselves seem perfectly fine, as if nothing ever happened. And I guess, we've started falling back into place. Just like before.

Only, it's all a show.

Every single person believes it's just some simple disagreement and that everything is back the way it was before.

It would all be so fine if this were the truth. But it isn't. Stupid imbeciles only care about themselves and about pleasing their social needs. Gossip and such would count as one, though, where would the truth fall into?

Has she forgotten?

Has he abandoned?

Was I their burden?

Or were they my end?

Marinette was to forget about me and look for decent males for partners. Who knows where she's at right now.

Grayson was to flee due to my stupid problems with father. He said I wasn't one at fault. But it was obviously otherwise.

I fell to hard for a person that cared. And I loved too much for a person to abandon me like that. I was what drove them away. Maybe not by choice, but by force.

But understanding emotions has led me to my misery. The sorrow that should have never been.

Yet, in the end, there's no one to blame. Except for the man I call father, and the man she called dad.

In the Agreste mansion

Someone was at the gates and Nathalie was currently resting. Adrien would have gladly come out and opened the gates himself like the cheerful young boy he was, but his father took it this time.

"Who is it".

" Its Marinette Kent Mr Agreste".

"Come in".

The fact that someone besides a person related to the Agreste's entering the grand gates was astonishing. It hardly ever happened. And like we all knew, these people were the nosey type. So they had to get this in camera. And luckily, the subway cameras caught it.

Marinette went through the gates and was greeted by Mr Agreste himself. He led her in and had her take a seat.

" If I recall correctly, you're moving back here for this remaining school year and the other two. Yes"?

"That is correct, I guess".

If Gabriel told her what he thought of the situation she was found in, he would've said it was bullshit.

Staying away from a loved one, might even be a soulmate? That was harsh. But, at this time of age?

These children were being hurt. And growing up like this, they would just hurt their own future children. The same stories with the same negative outcomes. These things never changed. And as far as this situation was going, it was going to end up just the same.

Living with people they didn't like. Spending time resenting others. And literally becoming the awful parents.

Gabriel knew what he saw. But as Clark wanted it, he was going to let it unfold the way it was forced to.

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