Chapter 8

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An entire week went by and things were awful.

Damian never replied back to any of her messages or even read them. It was like he was ignoring her. But that's what she thought.

While Damian, he was still locked up in his bedroom.

Once again, Marinette walked towards the manor and knocked. Alfred was going to open but Bruce opened the door himself.

"Hey Mr Wayne, is Damian home"?

" He is, but you aren't allowed to see him".

"And why not"?

" have you ever wondered how far you could go with your powers"?

"Yes, I have. And, I've been doing my best to control them".

" but that's where it all starts. You only try, you don't make sure to control them. I've thought out of all possible outcomes with you and my son. I don't like the ending to none. You are a danger to this family. My other sons have also had their opinions and thought, this was the best. For you to not see him".

"But what about Damian? He has to have an opinion on this too".

" he's had his opinion already. But I've altered it just a bit. HE WANTS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU. Now, please kindly exit the property and never return unless asked for".

Bruce shut the door and Marinette winced.

Was she really not allowed to come anymore? And, what happened to Alfred. Once again on such a lonely day, she walked home and ate about three tubs of cheap gross ice cream.

It was a pain to eat, but it was worth eating due to all of her crazy thoughts.

While Damian, he was really suffering. His phone was right outside his bedroom door. Bruce left it there for torture practically. It would ding at least 20 times a day. All messages from Marinette. Some voice mails and other stuff.

About a few hours later, the Kent's returned home and having dinner prepared. Everyone sat around the dinner table and thanked the Lord for this nights meal.

Then everyone began eating and soon, conversation started.

"So, Marinette, how has school been"?

They sounded so nice. Their voices so soft. Their eyes, so kind. But she could feel something in them that was different. Well, more in her brother and father. Her mother seemed to be doubting.

" it's been good".

"Any new friends"?

She wasn't really looking at anyone. She was just staring at her food. But with that question she was asked, she lost it and laser beamed at her plate.

All of that frustration that was building up on her soon released and everyone around her had shocked expressions on their faces.

" Okay, I get that you want me to be happy. And I have a feeling, you're all okay with what's going on. You all think I'm dumb enough to think I'm the only one that knows what's happening. But you all know as well. I love Damian and you all just want us apart. I don't get why though. I just know, that if you keep all this up, it won't end good".

She wasn't yelling or anything, but she was just releasing all of her frustrations. Like, if she didn't, well who knows what she would've done.

She left the table and left the house. She couldn't take anything anymore. It was so annoying. And, it was like if the whole world was also a part of this.

In Wayne manor

Damian was more than done and took down his door after such a long time of trying. First of all, this door was almost made of cement. So, not as easy to take down. And second of all, it wasn't even one of those cheap doors or anything.

He grabbed his phone and looked through all of his messages and felt awfully bad. The things she would text him everyday. The good mornings and good nights. The, how has your day been, messages. The little things she did for him meant so much but stupid Bruce had to get in the way.

He quickly sent Marinette a text telling him he finally escaped his bedroom and sent her a location to meet up at.

Marinette quickly replied happily knowing she would see him again after so long.

But, to actually get out of the house, Damian would need Alfred's help. And Alfred was just around the corner collecting everyone's trash from their garbage bins and stuff.

"I really must get out. And you're the only one that can help".

Alfred nodded and spoke.

" well as you can see, I'm taking out the waste from the bins. You can tag along and leave after we exit the gates. Yes"?

"Yes. And thank you"

"I'm only here to help you master Damian. Your father is not okay. That's one thing I am certain of. But I'll do my best to stop him before going to far".

Damian nodded and the two soon made it out the gates and Damian was now free. But only for tonight.

He'd have to return soon before his father checked on him.

After Marinette received the text from him, she quickly started running toward the destination. But also hoping to not attract a single person.

Damian ran and ran until he stopped at an old abandoned park. It was actually a really nice park but people feared it due to the people that died on this very park.

He sat on a bench and started getting inpatient. But he soon saw Marinette running towards him.

He got off the bench and she ran into him as always.

" Dami"? She touched his face and hugged him. It's just been so long.

"Marinette, I never left. And, they've been keeping me locked in my room, but I just escaped".

" I just know I missed you so very much. The people that would talk about us, they said you probably gave up on me for someone better. Would you ever do that if we were in a normal relationship with no problems "?

" I would never. Nobody could replace you or be better than you. That's just the very truth".

"You're always so nice" she laughed.

"Well only for you. Honestly nobody but you deserves this side of me".

" I'll agree with you on that".

The two laughed and shared a few kisses. Damian's phone beeped meaning he should be heading back before his father finds him gone, and he made sure to tell her he'd see her at school soon.

And yes, he was going to return very soon.

"Then I guess I'll see you soon".

The two sadly parted ways and when Marinette was about to shut her window door to her bedroom, she heard her father speak.

" As of Monday, you'll be attending a boarding school. Your mom and I have decided it'd be best. And, hopefully get your mind off of that boy".

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