Graduations Part 1

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Graduations Part 1/2

Amari: Age 18

As Kenji walked over to his little brother's gravestone, the boy sighed roughly before shoving his hands into his pockets. This was the first time he was courageous enough to even come here, the boy always stopping outside of the cemetery every day in the past year.

Everything was still too hard for him, the boy letting his brown hair fall in front of his eyes before forcing himself to take another step. He wasn't even sure if Kazumi would've even wanted to see him after everything that had happened.

The grey marble appeared in his vision a moment later, gazing down at his brother's name before closing his eyes a moment later. He didn't even have the right to be here, what was he even going to say. "Hey Kazumi.."

He screwed his lips shut a moment later before looking down at finding a small bouquet of purple hyacinth's at his feet in confusion. What the hell were these doing here, had someone been here before him? Kazumi didn't have many friends.

Kenji then leaned down and touched the flowers before someone behind him snapped him out of his own thoughts. "Someone's been bringing those by every week. I never got their face but they must have really loved him."

Turning around, the boy found his mother staring back sadly, a small bouquet of white lily's to add to the gravestone. "I didn't expect to see you here. Did you come to say hi to your brother?"

Yet those were the words that made Kenji immediately close his eyes in unsaid pain and guilt before quickly taking a step back from his mother. No, he couldn't do this. How could he grieve when this was all his fault? His mothers tears, her somber voice.

They were all his fault.

Taking another step backwards, he managed to stutter out. "No, I was just leaving..."

Then as quickly as possible, the boy practically ran away from his own feelings, vaguely feeling his mother's stare from behind him as he left the cemetery without another word.

I'm sorry Kazumi, I can't do it.


Running across the tiled floor of U.A, Amari dodged around a group of first years before quickly ramming into another one and profusely apologizing a moment later, bowing her body towards her feet in a quick millisecond with a huff. "Ah, sorry!"

Then she snapped herself up before continuing her dash across campus, using her explosions to quickly jump onto someone's else's shoulders in order to let her pass quicker as they blocked the way. "Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing?!"

Yet once again the girl only had time to lift up a quick hand in apology before ignoring the boy completely as she focused on finding her class. "Sorry sorry, can't talk. Gotta go!"

Two years ago, Bakugo didn't know how much she missed moments like this, small interactions that made her feel alive more than ever. After the war, things were pretty tough after all and the doctors weren't sure that she would ever recover.

To say she was messed up was a bit of an understatement as All for One's drug mixed with the massive overuse of her quirk had completely destroyed any bit of stamina and strength she had built up throughout the years with her trainers.

So because of that, the girl had to start practically all over again, working her quirk back to the level it was before. Although, it wasn't all bad because Endeavor and Hawks were there to train her privately, ensuring that she could graduate with her brother.

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