S4 Chapter 4

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 Taking a sip of her water bottle, Amari wiped the sweat from her forehead before overhearing the TV on her left echo out an assortment of words. It seemed to be some kind of new report. "It's not that I don't like Endeavor, I just can't help comparing him to All Might."

Smirking under her breath, the girl then turned her head to the hero in question, teasing him a little bit. "You hear that? Seems like you're not very popular. Oof that's rough."

The man frowned back before forcibly grabbing the remote out of her hands and turning off the object. "Would you focus on the important matters? What those people say don't concern you."

Crossing her legs in front of her in interest Amari leaned forward and saw the lowered brow across his face. He couldn't fool her, it was obvious he was worried about the public reception. Although it's not like she could blame him, the man did have large shoes to fill after all. "Aww don't be upset Endeavor. If it means anything to you, I think as a hero you aren't the worst person ever.."

Unsurprisingly though, the man didn't feel reassured. "That doesn't mean anything."

Lowering her water bottle then, Amari just sighed. "Rude, and here I was trying to help you with your image. You know, maybe if you stopped going around with that annoying scowl of yours all the time people wouldn't be afraid of you. But hey, don't take my advice, I'm just a stupid kid."

She raised herself up after that, stretching her arms out as Endeavor eyed the girl with disdain. She really was a pain in his ass, but he couldn't help but think she had a point somewhere. He had to get the public to like him somehow.

But of course he wasn't about to ask advice from a child, so instead the man decided to change the subject. "You reached up to fifteen precent today without repercussions. Your improvement is noticeable now. Have you experienced any more flashes?"

Noticing the change, Amari's face fell then. "No, I haven't. It's weird but ever since that day I've been fine. Maybe it was just some sort of freak thing."

And what she said was true. Ever since she had that weird flashback a couple weeks ago, Amari was perfectly fine. It was like the thing never even happened, and that's what she was hoping for.

Although Endeavor didn't seem convinced, knowing how she was that day. That wasn't any accident. "Don't be foolish, you must be on guard, especially when using your quirk. Haven't you forgotten what I said before. If you push yourself past your limit..."

Amari couldn't help but roll her eyes at that. "Yeah yeah I know. I'll die. Trust me, I heard you the first fifty times. I'll be careful. Don't want you worrying about me too much."

To that, Endeavor shook his head. "I don't worry, I'm only concerned about the mark you will make on my agency. Because I have chosen you as a trainee that means you now represent the Todoroki name. I will not have you slander that name with your negligence and reckless behavior."

Although once he was finished, the man looked up only to find Amari yawning, like she hadn't heard him at all. "Are you even listening?!"

To which she only shrugged. "To be completely honest I only listen to half of the things you say. The minute you start monologuing about how great you are I lose interest."

Balling his fists in anger, Endeavor growled only for the girl to notice his annoyance and laugh. That's when he realized she was messing with him. "I'm just kidding, you don't have to be so serious all the time. That's exactly why the public doesn't like you, you know."

Then she placed a hand on his shoulder before narrowing her eyes, all of the girl's playful attitude now going out the window. She looked serious. "I promise to not let your training go in vain. You were the only one to give me a chance, and I will show you just what kind of hero I can be."

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