S3 Chapter 3

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 It was almost sundown when the students finally reached the camp, trudging and dragging their feet as they came upon the clearing. That test was no joke.

It seemed that right when they entered the forest, hundreds of tree monsters blocked their path, forcing them to fight their way out quickly. They just kept coming, with no sign of stopping. It was honestly a miracle everyone made it out so quickly.

Amari clutched her chest, feeling the effects of her pills wear off ever so slightly and caught a glance at Todoroki who was also struggling for breath. They shared a look between each other and nodded their heads, as if saying they were both alright.

Reaching the clearing finally, Ragdoll, perked up. "Congratulations everyone. Although it would've taken us only three hours to complete the course."

The class around them groaned, obviously not pleased that they weren't getting any recognition for what they just faced. "Were you just trying to boast about how much better you are?!"

Although the cat girl could only laugh, now pointing in the direction of Todoroki, Bakugo, Deki, Ida and Amari. "I will admit though, you all are impressive. Especially you five. You acted without any hesitation. Was it because of your experience?"

Then before the five could register anything, the woman started going around and kissing the top of their heads as some sort of award, a reward that no one really wanted.

Although luckily enough, Deku was able to stop her actions with a question, now pointing towards a stranger that was watching them. "Wait, I have a question. Who's kid is that?"

The red cat, Mandalay, answered him shortly afterwards. "Oh, he's not one of ours. He's my cousins kid. Kota, go ahead a greet everyone."

Deku smiled at the child he now knew as Kota before walking over to him extending a friendly hand. The boy looked annoyed but maybe he was just shy? "Hello, I'm Midoriya from U.A.'s hero course. It's nice to meet you."

But instead of the boy accepting his hand, Kota returned the gesture by kicking the poor green haired boy straight in the balls, causing him to crumble over in pain.

Then, the boy just turned around before muttering darkly. "I don't intend to be friends with guys who want to be heroes."

Everyone saw this and gasped, accept for Bakugo who smirked at the action, liking his fire. "That kid's got spunk."

Although Todoroki couldn't help but feel amused by his words. "Isn't he kind of like you?"

This caused Bakugo to tick his brow in annoyance, shouting back to him. "Shut up, you bastard!"

Even Amari couldn't help but crack a smile at Todoroki's joke, moving over to Deku and extending her hand. "Are you okay? Here, take my hand."

The boy accepted as Amari couldn't help but feel a frustrating ich in the back of her throat at Kota's words. That boy didn't know anything about heros.

After she lifted her friend back up, she turned to the small child before speaking. "Hey, you need to apologize to my friend. Also, what's your problem with heros anyways?"

Her words caused Kota to freeze in his spot, finding the idea funny to him. "I don't need to apologize to anyone. It's his fault for wanting to become a hero."

This got Amari even more irritated. Yes he was a child but he wasn't understanding why they were doing this. "What's so wrong with wanting to be a hero? All we want to do is help people"

Kota only narrowed his eyes though, recalling some rather unpleasant memories. "And who can you help? You don't look like much to me."

At his harsh words, Amari's stance grew more deflated, like the boys words really pierced her skin. Of course she didn't look like much to a child.

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