S3 Chapter 6

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 Shinso was heading outside for some air only for him to notice the sky having an unearthly tone to it. It seemed almost blue-ish in color as it peaked over the corner of his vision.

Narrowing his eyes in confusion, the boy then turned towards the glow, only to widen his eyes in utter terror. The forest, it was like it was on fire.

Suddenly, he heard Aizawa calling out to him, ushering him away from the flames roughly, "Shinso, get back inside and don't come out. We are under attack."

His mind started to run at a billion miles per second, staring at the destruction with hollowed eyes. How could that be possible? They were supposed to be safe.

But then, another terrible realization came to his mind. Tonight was the night Amari was planning all those things for Todoroki. That could only mean one, horrible thing, she was still out there.

Aizawa seemed to say another assortment of words but Shinso couldn't hear any of them, only focusing on the possibility of Amari being hurt. That idiot, she would probably run head first into danger.

Shaking his head in frustration, he felt as the teacher grabbed him by the arm roughly. "Shinso, are you listening? Get back inside with the other class 1-B students."

A small silence appeared as the boy then looked down at his arm and realized what he had to do, now pulling away from the man quickly.

Then before he could grab him, Shinso was gone, racing through the woods with no plan and no strategy. He wanted his chance to be a hero, well this was it.

He vaguely heard Aizawa shouting back at him to come back before his echoes slowly faded in the soft breeze of the wind.

After a couple moments, Shinso leaned over, catching his breath when a small giggle was heard throughout the space. "Oh, and what do we have here?"

Sharply turning his hand, the boy stopped when he saw a man staring back at him, he was wearing an all black bodysuit with white beady eyes. That, was a villain.

Shinso stood on his guard, only for the man to clap his hands, as if he was excited. "Let me introduce myself. My name is Twice and it's very nice to meet you. I hate him already."

The change in attitude was not lost on the boy, although he could only remain silent. He had never faced a real villain before, so understandably he was outright terrified.

Twice laughed at that though, putting a finger to his chin, as if in thought. "You wouldn't happen to know where Bakugo is, would you?"

His question caused the boy to ready his stance. He knew his quirk didn't stand a chance against this kind of villain but he had to try, or else they could hurt Amari.

The man seemed pleased at this, his eyes full of pleasure. "Oh, you want to play. How fun! Prepare to die!"

Then, the villain came barreling towards him all at once and Shinso could somehow only just stare. He felt absolutely pathetic, unable to move as Twice threw his sharp metal tape in his direction.

He closed his eyes in terror and waited for the impact but was surprised to find himself unharmed. Opening his eyes all at once, Shinso couldn't help but widened his eyes at the sight before him.

Standing in front of him, with her back facing the boy was Amari. Her shields were up in a shimmering gold light, protecting the two of them from the attack. Shinso didn't know exactly what happened but he knew one thing for sure, she had just saved his life. "Are you okay?"

Shinso nodded his head only for the girl to smile, now feeling his chest tighten all at once. He wanted to ask the same but nothing came out. "Thank goodness."

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