S5 Chapter 27

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Hello, Ashley here! Before you read I just wanna let you know that I decided to break the last parts of the battle into two parts so that way you guys can get them faster and I can go into more detail. So after this chapter, we will have two more left. (Well kinda, but I'll explain that later.)

Thank you for your wonderful support and comments, hope you enjoy! :)


Burning hot embers licked the side of her face before Amari waited for her very painful end, knowing that Dabi had already had a track record of trying to kill her many times before, and this time he was actually going to go through with it.

It seemed just in a way, like everything had come full circle. She couldn't run from her future anymore, the girl knew that much.

Although after a few moments of painstaking silence, she was awoken by the sound of a low dark chuckle, shocking Amari to her core, the girl now opening her eyes to understand what had changed in her situation.

Gazing towards Dabi's outstretched hand, she saw his flames flicker in warning just a couple inches from her face as All for One's voice came into her ears a moment later.

His tone was almost mocking and Bakugo soon realized that he wasn't laughing at her. No, he was laughing at the stitched man in front of her. "You can stop now Dabi, I knew you wouldn't have the heart."

Widening her eyes in disbelief, Amari forced herself to look up only to see something rather particular on Dabi's face. It looked like a mix of anger, contempt and conflict, stewing inside of him with unsaid waver. Wait what was he doing?

Bakugo always thought that the villain would've taken the opportunity to destroy her in a heartbeat. She had harassed him for the past year, constantly pushed him into something he wasn't comfortable with and made him reopen old wounds after all. On any account he should've just killed her sorely just to prove the point he was always trying to make.

But if that was the case when why was he just standing there, why did he look so pained? It made her want to reach out to him, to cradle his cheek like in that alleyway when he seemed so distraught. This wasn't the Dabi she knew, he seemed more fragile than before.

And it seemed like Dabi himself also seemed confused by his own actions, causing All for One to continue plainly. "I noticed it from the beginning, how different you act whenever I mention my little one, how against you were with the plan of kidnapping her dear true love. You've grown attached to her."

He laughed at that idea causing the purple skinned man to drop his hand in shock, taking in All for One's words like a car ramming into his body, shattering his denial in a single moment. It was almost as if Dabi himself didn't realize his protective nature towards the girl until it was spoken out loud.

Although he was quickly snapped out of his own thoughts when the villain said something that made his entire blood run cold. "What a pity, first as a hero and then a villain. Seems you're a failure on all accounts Dabi."

Almost immediately Dabi's hands flicked with flames as Amari quickly opened her mouth in order to speak out against her captor. She didn't like seeing the utter torment on Dabi's face and she didn't like the way it reminded her of herself just last year. "H-He's not..!"

Yet she was quickly cut off as All for One tightened his hold on Amari's throat, squeezing her airway in order to stop talking and instead gasp for breath as she clawed at his hands in a desperate attempt to break free.

But for Dabi, it was as if time had completely stopped, like everything had been stilled the moment that All for One uttered those horrible words, the same words that his father used to tell him as a scared little child.

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