S4 Chapter 1

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Staring up at Endeavors agency, Amari took in a deep breath of courage. She never thought she'd be back here, and she certainly never thought it would be to train with Todoroki's father.

The girl still honestly didn't know why he had such a change of heart all of a sudden. Maybe this was all some kind of prank to him. Although it's not like it mattered anyways, he gave her this chance so she sure as hell was going to take it.

Moving towards his office, the girl lightly knocked on the surface only to reveal the man himself, now looking down. "Bakugo, you're late."

She twisted her brow into one of annoyance, already over this man. "No, I'm not. It's only been like one minute"

Although Endeavor only crossed his arms. "Even a minute is crucial for a hero. You'll learn that soon enough."

Rolling her eyes, Amari huffed back. "You're going to be this difficult the entire time, aren't you?"

Yet the man only responded by moving past her towards the entrance of the door. That was definitely a yes. "Come, I'll take you to the training grounds."

Then he started to walk away only for Amari to hurry after him. This man, he was just going to leave her. "Hey, hold on!"

Once they stepped inside, the girl looked around only to find a couple very familiar faces, one in particular calling out to her. "Hey, isn't that the girl that challenged the boss? Why is she back?"

Endeavor stopped then, causing the girl to run into his back and groan in pain. "Everyone, I'd like you to welcome Bakugo back to the agency. I have agreed to personally train her so be on your best behavior while she's here."

At his words, everyone gasped in surprise, her old training mate Katsu now stepping forward. "What, now that's unexpected. I thought you don't train anyone other than your children?"

The man only sighed at this though, like he was half regretting his choice.. "It seems circumstances have changed. Come Bakugo."

Then he moved away only for Amari to frown at his tone. "I'm not your damn dog Endeavor. Seriously, is even it possible for you to not be rude for like two seconds?"

Katsu smirked at her rebellion although Endeavor almost seemed used to it by now, just moving over to the corner of the space silently.

Amari followed him with apprehension as the man looked down at her with disdain. "Now first things first. You need to establish some sort of control with your quirk or else you'll die instantly."

Watching her face fall, Amari gulped. "That's pleasant to think about."

Endeavor nodded his head then, letting his fire ignite the left side of his body but not his right. "The more control you have, the easier it is to use your quirk. See, I can contain my fire like this but if I wished to explode a building, then it would be just a matter of focusing, as so.."

Then as if on his word, the man let off a huge wave of inferno, bouncing against the side of the building and causing a couple trainees to gasp in surprise. Amari hated his man but she couldn't help but be in awe at the motion. How could someone be that comfortable with their quirk? She wanted to know.

He saw her look of wonder and couldn't help but smirk now pointing to her hands. "Now it's your turn. Create a small strand of gold matter without maxing out your quirk. That's step one."

Looking down at her hands, Amari frowned. She had no idea how to only use some of her power, and misstepping could cause the girl to die right away. That was one thing she didn't want. "But my body won't be able to handle it.."

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