Is It Okay To Move On? Part 2

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Is It Okay To Move On?

Part 2/4

Amari: Age 23

Sighing to himself, Shinso moved towards the agency before giving a lazy yawn as he passed by. The man was supposed to have the day off but thanks to Amari's sick phone call it seemed that that day off was going to have to wait.

Well, it couldn't be helped, it wasn't like he wanted his crazed friend to try to come into the office while she was ill, cause she totally would have if that was an option. That's just how the girl was.

He passed by a set of shops to his right before turning towards the glass windows only to find trading cards and small plushies of all of his friends as heroes before seeing a group of three small kids looking over at the bins with wonder.

It was still crazy to him, to see merchandise of him and his friends, almost like he had owned as a kid. They really were starting to be the next generation of heroes, huh? He could hardly believe it.

But either way, the man was proud of them for reaching so high, especially Amari. She really deserved her spot after all that hell that poor girl had gone through.

Everything still felt so unreal to him. True, he knew that Amari and Katsuki were both in the top three right now but Shinso still just saw them as his friends, his partners and colleagues. It's not as if he looked at them and saw their numbers or their status.

And after graduation Shinso pushed himself on the idea of working up to the title of hero as well but he just didn't have the heart to leave the Bakugo agency. It was like his home, a home he didn't know he needed until Amari gave him the offer all those years ago.

Hell, even their other sidekick Kenji hadn't left the agency since completing his work study. They all expected him to leave after graduation but it seemed like even that man knew how special that place was, how he never wanted to leave. It was the same for Shinso as well.

That's why he stopped looking for other agencies to join years ago after all.

Yes he still wanted to be a hero but the purple haired boy was happy where he was, finally accepted into a group of friends that didn't look at his quirk with fear. No, they saw him for the person he was and not his villain potential like everyone else did for his entire life.

Perking up his ears, the door creaked open to his left before the three kids ran out happily, holding their new little plushies in their hands.

One boy in particular raised up his little Bakugo Katsuki doll before mimicking his explosions with his little tiny hands with excitement "Whoa, I can't believe we finally saved up enough money to get these! Which one did you get? I got the best hero in the world!"

Giggling softly, a little girl next to him raised her own doll, except this one represented Amari as she waved it around like it was flying. "Na ah brother! I got the bestest hero in the world. Ember is the coolest!"

The little boy only stuck his tongue out though, shaking his head before scoffing. "In your dreams! No one can beat his explosions. Especially when they go BOOM BOOM POW all over the place!! Did you see the rescue he did last week when the whole building came down? He's obviously the coolest!!"

Although just as he was mimicking the blasty man, the small boy seemed to trip on his own feet, falling over as Shinso widened his eyes, catching the kid in an instant. "Whoaaa.."

Feeling arms around him, the little boy then turned to thank his savior as he pushed himself off. "Thanks Mr..."

Yet the minute the little boy locked eyes with Shinso, his eyes widened, his finger pointing towards the purpled haired man with shock. "You're...You're...."

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