S5 Chapter 9

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 Moving her hand to cover her own eyes, Amari sat in the utter silence of her room, all of her swirling thoughts and decisions weighing down on her one by one. It seemed that in moments like this, the anxiety of everything worsened to an extreme amount. That's why the girl had tried to keep herself busy over the course of the weeks, but something about her conversation with Todoroki felt like a rock in her stomach.

She knew he wasn't going to give up on her, and that his words were only to cause a change of heart in her, yet no matter how hard she tried Amari couldn't come up with any sort of solution to her problems.

She just wanted to be held, to be kept safe like before, although it seemed like she had ruined that as well.

Shaking her head, Bakugo then immediately stood up and began screwing her head on straight. No, she couldn't crumble apart now, so many people depended on her to stay strong. This was the path she had chosen and the girl knew it was right, now she just had to follow through.

Quickly throwing on her clothes, Amari decided to give her wandering mind no time to think, and instead focused on the idea of waking Katsuki up instead. Yeah, that would give her some much needed distraction, a band aid for her worries, at least for now.

Bakugo moved towards the doorway before throwing open the object and focusing on that very goal when something bumped her foot on the way out.

Looking down she found a small brown package with her name drawn across the top. Huh, she wasn't expecting a package, maybe it was from her mom?

Picking up the object, Amari stepped back inside her room before carefully ripping the paper only gasp in utter horror and shock. Wait, no she thought she got rid of these on her birthday.

But if that was the case, then why was she now staring at that same small glass bottle of pills in her hands, and why were they continuing to haunt her everywhere she went?!

A small bit of panic seeped into her throat as Amari dropped the objects onto the bed, afraid to touch the damn things after all of the pain and suffering that they caused.

What was All for One even doing?! Was he tormenting her, was he trying to tell her that she wasn't safe, was he trying to make her insane, was he trying to get her to use again? All of her burning questions and fears jumbled together as she suddenly noticed a small black card in the bottom of the box, coaxing and teasing her to read.

Don't disobey for too long

You might regret it

Little One

Immediately ripping up the pieces of paper, Amari's eyes screwed shut before throwing the torn up bits into the nearby trash can. She knew she had to fish it out later in order to show the pro's of her harassment but the girl couldn't help but be clouded by her own dark thoughts at the moment.

All she wanted was a normal life, something that was stripped away from her as soon as Amari followed that villain unknowingly when she was a kid.

The girl was only sixteen after all, and yet it seemed like she had already lived through a lifetime of tragedy and despair. Why did it have to be her? Why couldn't she be like her classmates, careless and relaxed? No, instead Bakugo had this intense anxiety around her at every waking moment, suffocating her until she gave in under the weight. Why, why could she just be normal?

Placing a shaking hand onto her dresser, Bakugo faltered even more as a faint sight of black veins started to fade in, a sign that she was losing control of herself once again. She needed to stop this self pity and suck and up. Whining and crying would get her nowhere at this rate. It wouldn't do any good for her or for the people she was trying to save.

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