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My eyes deceive me, but it's still the same.

«Pretend it's OK» Little Mix


"Do you guys want to do anything?" Luke asks from his spot on the couch next to me.

"Yes!" Calum groans and sets down his bass that he was playing around with.

Ashton and Michael are out doing... well I don't know. And R had to help her mom with something... well I don't know that one either. But that leaves me with Luke and Calum all Sunday. It wouldn't be so bad if I could paint, but I have to wait for my most recent layer to dry. Usually, I could just keep painting over the wet parts, but the colors I'm using for this part are temperamental and I don't want to deal with if they cross over each other. I'm almost done with the black hole. Then I just have to do some shading and make the destroyed image in the center and it should be all finished. It's coming out pretty cool, to be honest. But now that means that I am stuck with two bored teenage boys and homework.

"I have to start writing my analysis on the stuff I got from Michael yesterday," I huff and continue going through and adding notes with my laptop underneath my notepad. I have a bunch of tabs open on eye personalities and meanings of this and that. There are a few case studies that look promising.

"How is it going?" Calum asks and plops down on one of the beanbags in front of the couch. "Are Michael's eyes cooperating?"

"Good." I shrug. "He kind of has difficult--well more like complicated--eyes to decipher. It's a little frustrating. Hey! Do you guys have a good picture of him where you can see his eyes that I can use as reference?"

"Uh, yeah. Let me check," Luke mumbles and starts tapping away on his phone.

"Thank you! Will you send it to me?" I ask.

"Yep," he answers mindlessly as he continues scrolling through his albums.

I continue looking through the articles on my screen. There's a chart with a bunch of different colored green eyes. I never gave much thought to how many different specific eye colors there are. I mean I could always tell the uniqueness in them all, but having them named and laid out in front of me is kind of eye opening.

Get it? Get it? No. Okay. Ugh! God that was bad.

But really. I mean Hayden and my dad both have green eyes and I always could see the differences, but this just makes all of them so much more prominent. Hayden's eyes are warm and a more saturated almost lime with some forest green streaks. My dad's, however, are more like a mint; light and cool. They are almost like the color of an icicle tinted with pale green.

I click back onto the article I had been reading through when Calum and Luke's phone buzz.

"Who is it?" I ask, taking the opportunity for a little break. I mean, I assume it will be one of three people. But then again... do they have other friends? I don't think so... but who knows?

"Ash," Calum says, sounding almost confused. "He wants to know if we're with you."

"Why?" I ask, now as confused as Calum. "You know, you'd think he would know where to find me on his own by now. Or why didn't he just text me if he was looking for me?" I take out my phone and light up the screen to find I don't have any missed messages.

"I don't know." Calum shrugs and types back a response.

It doesn't take long before both of their phones buzz again, but Luke ignores the group notification and continues scrolling.

"Hey..." Calum looks up at me with a weird expression. "What happened with you and Mike?"

"What do you mean?" I ask.

Graffiti Girl // Michael CliffordUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum