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I dedicate this song to you. The one who never sees the truth, that I can take away your hurt, heartbreak girl. Hold you tight straight through the day light. I'm right here, when you gonna realize that I'm your cure, heartbreak girl?

«Heartbreak Girl» 5 Seconds of Summer


"Don't even think about it!" I laugh, trying to be stern as possible.

"You brought it on yourself," Mikey chuckles, shrugging heartlessly.

"I will wring your neck while you sleep," I shout, still giggling--mentally scolding myself for not being able to keep a straight face.

"Oh, please," he scoffs. "You couldn't live without me." His lips turn up in a smug smile. I glare at him.

"Don't you dare."

His smirk grows ten sizes and he bites his lip to reign it in. I can see the physical excitement in his eyes. He lets out a quick giggle before pulling the trigger and immediately dousing my face with water

"You idiot!" I shout. He gives in and releases a real laugh.

"You brought this on yourself, babe," he giggles.

"I'm gonna kill you," I laugh. I jump from my spot and shoot over to tackle him. He starts laughing harder and allows me to take him to the floor, any and all thought of actually getting things done forgotten.

"If you make me fall out of this tree, I'm taking you with me!" he laughs.

"Go ahead and try!"

He grabs a hold of my wrists and tries to wrestle me down. I bite down on my lip and fight back.

"Not as tough without your little water shooter, now are you?" Michael laughs.

"Look who's talking!" I laugh. He tries to twist my arms and we both fall onto our sides, wrestling and shouting insults at each other, neither of us trying to contain our giggles.


We both pause our fighting. "Yeah, mom?!" I yell.

"I have to take your grandma to the doctor! Will you watch Hayden and Jax while I'm gone?!" her distant voice calls back. I quietly groan, but tell her I'll be in in a minute. She says she'll be back in a few hours and goes back inside.

"I guess that's my cue to scurry," Mike says, sitting up.

"No. You can stay if you want." I shrug, indifferent. "I'll probably just sit in the game room on my phone, just there in case they try to burn the house down."

"Is that a plausible danger?" Mikey jokes.

I scrunch my face in a look of consideration. "As of about a year ago, actually."

Michael stops laughing and gives me a weird look. "How did they manage to do that?"

"They're kind of idiots. I was sitting at the kitchen counter on my laptop when Jax comes up to me with a burning piece of printer paper. His face looked so in awe, and said 'I didn't know paper burned!' and I swear, his voice was full of surprise. I took the lighter he found away from him, only to find him and Jax trying to smuggle a box of matches from the cabinet."

He stares at me with a blank expression. "I'm reconsidering sticking around for this."

I laugh and dismissively wave my hand. "No, believe me. They won't pull that again."

"What did you do?" he asks with narrowed eyes.

I shrug one shoulder. "They said they didn't know paper burned, I said I didn't know eyebrows burned." His eyes go wide and I can't help but smirk. "So are you sticking around for the show?"

Graffiti Girl // Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now