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We all have our horrors and our demons to fight. But how can I win when I'm paralyzed?

«Don't Go» Bring Me the Horizon


"Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey."

I'm trying to work on my world painting, but Mikey is apparently bored so every two seconds he feels the need to poke me in the back to pester me. I'm just about to lose my shit.

"Michael Clifford. You touch me one more time and I will make sure your mouth will be glued shut with the super glue I keep hidden in case of emergencies," I say as calmly as I can manage. He's quiet for a few moments and I'm hoping he finally got the message that I was done with his fuckery.


"Okay! I'm done with you!" I all but scream. I spin around with my spray can in hand to face him. I press down and start spraying his chest with ocean-blue paint, watching him with a bored expression as he stares down at his increasingly colorful chest.

"What the fuck was that for?!" he yells, looking up from his ruined t-shirt.

"Shut your face."

"What do you guys wanna do?" Calum calls from the couch, ignoring me and Michael's whole encounter.

"I want to paint so..." I say.

"Ugh! You're always painting!" Ashton groans. I step down from the stool I'm standing on against the wall and walk over to him. I calmly lift the can and spray a blue stripe across his chest.

"That's right."

He doesn't say anything back, knowing it won't get him anywhere anyways. He just glares at my smirking face.

"But seriously. We're bored. Can we do something?" Luke asks.

"What did you have in mind?" R asks in a bored tone, picking at her nails.

"Do you guys have any video games?" Calum asks, getting excited.

"We don't have a TV," I point out.

"Ugh!" Calum groans, flopping his head back against the couch. "What do you guys do for entertainment anyways?"

"You won't like my answer."

"Try me."


"You're right, I don't like that answer."

"Other than paint and drinking games, what do you do?" Luke interjects.

I shrug. "Listen to music. Read."

"You read? For fun?" Michael asks, sounding appalled and confused.

"Yes, dip-shit. For fun. Try it some time."

"No thank you," he laughs.

"Anything else?!" Calum asks.

"We could go to my house. My little brother has a bunch of games and shit there if you're all dying of boredom." I roll my eyes.

"Yes!" they all shout, adding in a few 'pleases' and some begging.

"Can we?!" Mike asks.

"Yeah, let's go. I can work on it later," I grumble. I don't care as long as they shut up.

"Are we taking your car?" Luke asks as I grab my backpack from the floor.

"Sure. I guess. You guys will have to sit in the back. There are only two seat belts." I shrug.

Graffiti Girl // Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now