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It's carpe diem till the very end. I have no regrets.

«Carpe Diem» You Me At Six


"So what do you think of our new roomies?" R asks. We plop down on the mattress and I curl up with my blanket in my lap. It's around dinner time and the boys said they needed to be heading home or Luke's mom would kill him--pansy ass--so it's back to just the two of us. I like it this way. This way feels comfortable. It is exhausting being around really anyone but R because I feel the need to put on a face and socialize and be pleasant.

"They seem chill enough. I like Michael's hair. I can tell we are going to get along already," I chuckle and reach up to play with my blue streaked dark-brown hair. R laughs along with me.

"Yeah I can see that. I think he has more piercings than you do."

"Oh come on! I don't have that many! And none in any weird places!" It's true. I admit, I have a few more than simple earrings, but not absurd. I just have a small nose ring on my right nostril and some cartilage piercings on my left ear. Although I do appreciate Mike's eyebrow piercing. I may have to look into getting one of my own.

"Well at least your whole head isn't a blueberry!"

I scowl at her. I know she likes what I did with the coloring in my hair, but she also likes to give me a hard time about it. Same with the piercings. I only have some blended streaks and shading of navy blue and then I added some slim pieces of a brighter blue near them to contrast it a bit. Nothing absurd.

"Whatever. I'm just saying I appreciate it."

"We have to make them play for us tomorrow." She lets out a yawn and begins to curl up beside me. I just nod and move to lay down in my spot. I scoot over and make R roll on her back so that I can use her stomach as a pillow. I fist my blanket in my hand and pull it up under my chin, wiggling a bit as I snuggle into her loosely-fitted t-shirt.

Letting out a yawn of my own, I mumble a 'love you' and close my eyes, however I can feel myself becoming more and more awake by the second. This tends to happen to me. I'll be exhausted and when I finally find myself able to lay down and fall asleep, my mind wakes up and decides to try and solve the world's issues whilst lying in bed.

Still, I don't get out of bed. I've learned that when this happens, I just have to kind of wait it out. Sometimes I'll do other things and then go back to bed, but tonight I just lay here.

I can't stop thinking about those boys.

It's like one of those times where for no logical reason whatsoever, a person just inserts themselves into your mind and you can't shake them. It's beyond infuriating. Yet I find myself curious as to what these boys have about them that stuck in my brain. They are a funny group of quirky guys, that's no doubt. And it's obvious Luke and R have some sort of weird thing brewing. I may only know a bit about Luke, but I know everything about R. From the way she looks at him, I can tell she likes everything she sees. By the way Luke was giving back every glance and smirk she threw at him, he was thinking the same. I have yet to determine how I feel about that. I'll be the first to admit I am protective about R, especially when it comes to guys.

Whatever. R is a big girl and Luke doesn't seem too bad. The good part about him is that I know he can't escape easily in this situation. It'll be harder for him to do and dump when we are spending our free time in the same place with us and the rest of his band.

Calum seems like a good guy that would be there to make Luke see between right and wrong if need be. I think I could trust him to be backup for me on the other side of things if something does happen between them and then takes a bad turn.

Graffiti Girl // Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now