Ch 4)

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6 years ago..


"Pisces! We're going grocery shopping! Do you want to come?" Pisces' older sister called.

"Oh yes please!" Pisces rushed down the stairs. "I'm ready!" Pisces' sister gets in the car all set for the grocery store. I really want my favourite Oreos!  Pisces couldn't wait.

"Okay Pisces, you have a few minutes to pick the snack you want." Pisces' older sister told. Pisces runs down the aisle, she knew the Oreos she wanted were popular. She looked at each shelf as quickly as she could. Until she finally found it.

"Ah there it is!" Pisces went to grab her favourite Oreo packet but saw another hand reach for it at the same time. Her hand had just reached the packet before the other person's hand. Pisces looked over and saw a boy with red eyes.

"Sorry didn't realise you wanted it as well." Pisces apologised.

"No need to apologise." The boy said, he lowered his cap so Pisces couldn't see his eyes anymore.

"You can have it if you want." Pisces hands him the Oreo packet. "I'm pretty sure, I still have a packet left over at home." Pisces laughed.

The boy looked at her. Pisces nodded. The boy took the packet and went off. "Such a strange boy. How mysterious." Pisces said to herself.

"Pisces are you done?" Pisces' sister calls for her.

"I couldn't find the Oreos!" Pisces explained.

"Awe, maybe next time?" Pisces and her sister went to check out the groceries.


"Ooh, your brother is so cute." Aquarius had been dragged to join his brother's date. His brother's girlfriend, Amelia complimented him.

"Not as cute as you." Evan said.

I think I'm gonna puke. Aquarius turned away from the couple. I know I'm only 11 but come on, I can stay home by myself.

"Let's go to this shop." Amelia dragged Evan. Aquarius sighed and followed behind. "If I ever find love, I'm not going to be as cheesy as them." Aquarius chuckled to himself.

"Are you okay?" A voice says as they tap Aquarius on the shoulder.

"Huh?" Aquarius turned around and saw a blonde girl. "Oh, y-yes I'm fine." Aquarius stuttered.

"Oh okay, because I heard you talking to yourself." She explained. "I'm Libra by the way." She smiled.

"I'm A-aquarius." Aquarius looked away. The chances of me saying something about love and she appears. What if she heard what I said before! I'm so dumb. Aquarius starts hitting himself.

"Aquarius, why are you hitting yourself?" Libra tilts her head.

Aquarius stops hitting himself. I forgot she was still here. "It helps me think." Aquarius blurted. It kinda hurt.

"It looks red, It must hurt." Libra says she was about to touch his forehead but her hand was stopped by Aquarius. "Your hands are cold." She says

Aquarius blushes. I acted without thinking, I just touched a girl.

"Do you need gloves?" Libra took gloves out of her small bag. "My mum made these, but they're too big." Libra laughs. "It's better if I give you them." Libra handed Aquarius the gloves.

"Aquarius! There you are! Amelia and I were worried." Evan came back into the shop.

"Sorry, for making you worry." Aquarius walked back to his brother.

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