Ch 16)

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"Aquarius! Let's go out." Libra announced, she knocked on Aquarius' door. To her surprise, he opened it straight away.

"Out? Like right now?" Aquarius scratched his head. "I mean sure, where are we going?"

"To this cafe, a friend recommended it to me and I wanted to check it out!" Libra exclaimed. "Pisces turned me down unfortunately."

"Cool- wait not cool that she couldn't go, it's cool that you asked me to come along-." Aquarius explained.

"I know what you meant." Libra smiled. "Now let's hurry! I heard it gets busy in the afternoon."

Libra went along and Aquarius followed close behind.


"The cafe isn't far, it's only a 10 minute walk." Libra announced. She hummed as she made her way along the footpath. Looking over at Aquarius who was on his phone, scrolling through some sort of social media. She noticed he was still wearing the gloves she gave him. I think he really likes my gift, although I am feeling deja vu. Libra shook off these thoughts.

"STOP!" Libra squealed. Aquarius completely unaware of his surroundings, quickly halted to a stop. He ended up losing his balance and landed on the hard concrete beside Libra.

"Ouch.." Aquarius groaned.

"There you go, follow your mother. Don't get left behind now." Libra softly said to a small duckling that had tripped over his own webbed feet. She carefully nudged the duckling back on its way behind its other siblings. "Isn't it cute?" She exclaimed.

Damn, that duckling receives more attention than me. "He is pretty cute." Aquarius said from the floor.

"Oh my, what happened?" Libra looked stunned at Aquarius. "Are you alright?" Libra asked as she reached out her hand.

"Yep, never been better-." Aquarius dragged Libra down to his chest, she was now on the floor with him.

"Hey! What was that for?!" She cried, now frowning.

"That's what you get for paying more attention to a duckling instead of me." He scoffed. "I fell over too you know."

Libra chuckled. "Don't tell me your envious over a small duckling."

"Of course not, I just wanted to let you know that you caused my sudden fall." Aquarius huffed. He slowly got up and helped Libra up too.

"Aren't you awfully petty." Libra playfully rolled her eyes.


"Wow, this cafe is totally adorbs!" Libra shrieked.

"Mhm." Aquarius agreed as he inhaled the coffee-smelling aroma.

"Aquarius, why don't you go find a table? Is there anything in particular you want to try?" Libra asked.

"I'll have a macchiato and a tiramisu cake slice thanks." He replied. Libra nodded and she went over to the cashier.

"One macchiato, and once tiramisu cake slice." Libra grinned as she handed Aquarius his order. She herself had ordered just a light coffee, she wasn't a big fan of it.

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