Ch 5)

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"Alright. This is the place I'm staying at." Aries took a deep breath. "It looks fancy." Aries started walking inside, with his suitcase. He was greeted by a familiar face.

"Aries!" It was Leo he had arrived before Aries. He was signalling Aries to come over. "Aries! Bro you got in too?" Leo was relieved someone he knew was here.

"Yeah, it's pretty amazing how we both got in." Aries laughed.

"I'm glad we both got in." Leo admitted.  "Let's see which rooms we got."

Leo showed Aries to where the dorms were, on the second floor. "Hey the dorms have names" Leo pointed out.

"Looks like our dorms are further down." Aries kept looking for his name while Leo looked for his.

"There's mine, room number 3." Leo waved goodbye and went inside. Aries walked further down until his saw his name on room number 1.

"Room number 1, that's where I am." He said to himself as he walked inside, the room was huge, bigger than his room before. It had a great view and his own personal bathroom. "This is sweet!" Aries cheered, he started unpacking his things.

He looked out the window and saw more people arriving. He had an agape expression "What? Are those...girls?!"


"Stay safe young master." Taurus' butler, Charles had just dropped off Taurus at Astronima Mansion.

"I'll be fine Charles. Thank you." Taurus waved goodbye and went inside. I'm guessing the dorms are on the second floor. Taurus went inside the elevator with his luggage.

Once Taurus exited the elevator, he saw a girl with red hair and green eyes. Cancer? He immediately thought and was about to approach her but then he stopped. I don't want to assume, it could just be another girl who had red hair and green eyes. Taurus walked past and went to the dorm that had his name. He looked over at the girl and she went into dorm number 8.

"Okay, time to unpack." Taurus opened his suitcase. He started putting his clothes in the closet. He started thinking to himself. I wonder if Cancer got in. Taurus shook his head. Now is not the time, I need to finish unpacking.

Once Taurus finished unpacking he heard a knock on the door. What? Who could it be? Taurus walked up to open the door.

"Taurus!" He heard. He looked down and saw it was the same girl he saw before.

"Cancer?" Taurus asked.

"Yes! It's me, Cancer!" She smiled. Taurus couldn't help himself, he hugged Cancer. "It's nice to see you too!" She giggled.

"I can't believe it we are here, together." Taurus stated. Taurus and Cancer blushed, he had hugged Cancer for too long. "Ahem, sorry."

"N-no it's alright." Cancer stuttered. "I'm going to unpack now." Cancer quickly ran away. Taurus closed the door.

Taurus laid down on his bed. Even after all these years, she still makes my heart thump.


"This is it." Gemini looked up at the tall building. "Astronima Mansion." Gemini had just been dropped off by her cab.

"Gemini?" Gemini heard a familiar voice. She turned around and saw a girl with black hair and indigo eyes.

"Sagittarius!" She exclaimed. "I haven't seen you in forever!" Gemini hugged her friend. "What's this on your hand?" Gemini pointed at Sagittarius' bandaid.

What is Love? (Zodiac Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang