Part II| Sub Rosa

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"My asylum is in your arms, when the world gives heavy burdens, I can bear a thousand times. On your shoulder, I can reach an endless sky, feels like paradise. We could build a universe right here, all the world could disappear, wouldn't notice, wouldn't care. We can build a universe right here, the world could disappear, I just need you near."—Zara Larsson.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Uncover' by Zara Larsson.



"...and do you know that he tends to smile with his eyes? And when he laughs? Oh Lord, I recall that one night we were talking until 2am and he said..."

While my mom goes on and on about what she adores the most about Mr. Blake, I am wallowing in a sea of never-ending guilt.

The way her face shines with happiness while she speaks about the man, makes me feel as though I am snatching her happiness right from the palm of her hands.

I wish this car ride to Blaze's house would end soon. But I know that once we arrive there, it will be far worse. Blaze and I found each other first, but I cannot help feeling like I am taking her happiness away.

"Are you listening to me, Harmony?"

Her voice drags me from my pensive thoughts, and I turn my face to her, offering a tight-lipped smile. "Uh yeah...I was just um-I got distracted when you mentioned his laugh."

She chuckles. "Harmony, I mentioned that so many minutes ago. So you didn't hear about that time we met at the town's cafe then?"

Lord, they met at a town's cafe? Where was I when all of this was going on? At school, apparently.

"Well, we met there and drank coffee and he told me about this very embarrassing moment when he fell off the slides in pre-school, and when he first learned to ride a bike." She giggles. "He fell off twice."

I smile a little. "You seem to like him a lot."

Honestly, I don't know why I am doing this to myself. Her response will only eat me alive.

"Yes..." She smiles like a schoolgirl. "I do, honey, is it that obvious?"

Yes. I notice that ever since she started talking about Mr. Blake, she appears ten years younger. I can tell that he does in fact makes her feel alive.

"Okay okay enough about me, did you get to send your song choice to that girl at your school?" She unwillingly changes the topic.

"Who Justine? Yeah I did. We have rehearsals this Tuesday."

"Nice." She beams. "I love that you are active at school and getting around with different activities and clubs; it saves you from fooling around with those boys."

She swings into Blaze's yard, and my heart leaps in my chest.

"When is this concert musical again?" She usnaps her seatbelt.

"Uh, in about three weeks. Justine was thinking of extending the time since we haven't done much practicing yet."

"Oh nice. I won't miss it, baby."

I smile. "Thanks, Mom."

We get out of the car and make our way up to the doorsteps. We ring the door bell, and after a few seconds, Mr. Blake answers with a bright smile. I can tell he feels a bit awkward when his eyes land on me, though. He must be recalling our little talk.

"Come on in ladies." He steps aside to grant us entry, and it's hard not to notice how my mom is tucking her hair behind her ear and acting overly feminine.

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