Draw The Lines Of My Soul

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"Guess it's true, I'm not good at a one night stand. But I still need love 'cause I'm just a man. These nights never seem to go to plan, I don't want you to leave will you hold my hand?"—Sam Smith.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Stay With Me' by Sam Smith.



When I get to my dorm room April is on the bunk bed painting her fingernails while Yuna and Tia are sitting on the floor's mat painting theirs. It appears they are getting ready to head to another party. And at this point, I strongly suggest that this university makes partying a part of their curriculum.

They look up at the closing of the door, greeting me with kind smiles.

"Hey Harmony," April says, steadily applying the purple paint onto her thumbnail. Her hand shifts and she loudly curses, reaching for a napkin while she tries to position the transparent bottle onto the bed. I watch her anxiously, inwardly praying she doesn't get that stain liquid all over my mother's favorite bedsheet.

"Where you guys going?" I place my bag onto the table, pulling down the sleeves of my sweater.

"A restaurant downtown." Yuna smiles. "Do you want to come with us?"

I shake my head quickly as I perch against the rim of the table. "Nope. I have some studying to do."

And some sketching to do with the sophomore that you all warned me to stay away from.

"Studying?" Tia makes a face, her small button nose scrunching up slightly. "Who studies a week of being at University?"

"Well, Harmony Skye does." Yuna chuckles, stretching her slender fingers out to examine her work. "That's good, girl. Get that degree." And they all smile.

I titter lightly, my face contorting bewilderedly. They make it sound like they don't intend on 'getting that degree.' What's the purpose of saving up for half of your life and spending so much money on tuition if, in the end, you won't graduate with that certificate? I don't know how I would face my mother if I were to squander away these four years.

April gets up from the bed and walks over to the small closet in the corner of the room, sticking her fingers away from each other as she daintily opens the doors. "I am not sure of what to wear, formal or semi-formal?"

"Semi-formal," Tia advises before she blows on her nail. Her chosen color of nail polish is nice. It is a deep shade of rose-colored pink that looks great with her brown hair.

"Are you really not coming Harmony?" April checks as she twirls around to look at me. Her lips are pouted while she gives me big, blue puppy eyes. That won't make me change my mind though—as persuasive as she looks right now.

I shake my head in finality. "Another time."

"Okay sweetheart, won't force you. But don't forget that you promised to come to a party with us next time."

Oh God, you don't say.

"Next week there is a party at Blaze's home in Grissville. You should come." Tia shrugs.

Blaze is having a party?

He didn't mention that to me, but maybe he discerned that I am not the party type and so he didn't feel the need to offer an invitation and I must say, I am glad.

"So, coming next week?" Tia presses.

I sigh then half-shrug. "Uhm...yeah, I guess I could drop by."

They all erupt in a chorus of happy cheers, and it takes me aback because no one has ever been that happy to have me around.

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