Your Presence Is Heaven For A Sinner Like Me

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"And the arms of the ocean are carrying me, and all this devotion was rushing out of me. And the crashes are heaven, for a sinner like me. But the arms of the ocean delivered me." — Florence + The Machine.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Never Let Me Go' by Florence + The Machine.



"Why did you choose this statement?" I ask softly.

The midday sun has now sunken lower in the sky and the air has become a lot cooler, signifying that we are slowly nearing evening. The forest is much chillier at this time of the day and the breeze is light and soothing, gently surging through the trees.

"I didn't..." He finally responds in the same tone I had used, his expression still blank and unreadable. "I mean I did but I was drunk. I don't know why I asked them to write that..."

I stare at him in silence.

I believe him. People do a lot of odd things when they are drunk, waking up the next morning to ludicrous choices they made the night before and wanting to tear their hair out because of it. But the fact that in his drunken state he chose such a strong statement, I can't help but wonder if deep down his heart is really 'drowning.'

He smiles, but his eyes are clear of all jubilant emotions. "Don't look at me like that, it's just a statement."

I sigh as I settle onto my knees. "I don't think it's just a 'statement,' Blaze."

We keep our gazes joined for a while, but he doesn't say anything about my last response, instead, he lets out a harsh exhale and lifts himself upright, adjusting his chain around his neck and pulling his hat off.

"Still trying to read me."

"I just feel like the words are a lot deeper than you're letting out," I mutter.

He dusts his hat against his palm then looks over at me, his dark hair falling into his left eye attractively. His teeth hold captive his ruby-colored lip as he slopes his head back, wounding his palm around my nape and pulling my face gently toward his.

My eyes flutter apprehensively as I breathe softly through my parted lips, staring at his mouth that's only inches away from mine. Fast heart rate, weak feet, and shaking hands are just a few of the effects he has on me at this moment and the list only grows at each passing second.

"Y-you said you wouldn't kiss me again..." I remind him, my voice brittle and uneasy.

He reaches a hand up and tucks a lock of hair behind my ear. And then he speaks, his tone so soft, yet powerful. Raising the hairs on my skin.

"You can't trust me, Harmony. I kind of suck at keeping promises."

I lift my eyes now, seeking clarification through his, but as usual, it's pointless. He gives nothing away as he seems to be remarkably skilled at not wearing his emotions on his sleeves.

But I am the opposite, because at this moment I am badly nervous, and it's showing in my scarlet complexion and the way my limbs are trembling as if we are in the midst of a massive earthquake.

His head begins to move in closer before he puts his forehead against mine. Skin against skin. Hot breaths fusing. I close my eyes slowly, uncertain if I should allow him to kiss me, but not finding the will in me to pull away. He's like a magnet; dragging you to him against your own will and holding you in place. Holding you in place until he gets what he wants and acknowledging how dominant and powerful his aura is I can't imagine him not getting his way all the time.

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