Part II| Let's Do What Lovers Do

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"I think of you whenever I am alone, so please don't go." —Joel Adams.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Please Don't Go' by Joel Adams.



"So, what movie would you like to watch?" Blaze asks while he skims through Netflix on my laptop.

I tuck a leg underneath me and hand him the bag of chips while I take a cupcake from the small carton.

"Anything is fine." I smile.

"Anything?" He lifts a brow mischievously, and I chuckle.

"Except horror...or anything with a possible sex scene..." I mumble the last part, but he hears and begins to laugh.

"Yeah. I remember that last time you almost shook us both off my dorm bed." He titters.

"We can watch that." I point at the recently re-made 'The Lion King.'

Blaze frowns but taps on it anyway. "Cartoon? Really?"

"No, it's not a cartoon; the graphics look more real than not. This is the recent one that came out some time ago."

"Alright, anything for you anyway." He says, and I smile.

He sets the laptop at the top of the bed, and we both lay onto our stomachs, watching the movie while we eat.

Blaze is hardly watching the production; he is more absorbed in eating the Doritos. I have shamelessly devoured two cupcakes so far, and when the bag of chips is finally empty, he shifts against the bed and rests his head against my back, watching the movie quietly.

The action earns a rapid increase in heart rate, but considering his head is right on my spine and his ear in a good range of hearing my irregular heartbeat, I try to remain calm, absentmindedly staring at the motion pictures as a distraction.

"How do you watch a bunch of animals talking and attempting to be human?" He comments, and my back vibrates as he speaks. It sends a weird thrill throughout my body, strangely arousing me.

"Well, fiction is better than reality sometimes, isn't it?" I reply.

He's quiet for a while, probably thinking about my response. Then his head moves against me in a small nod. "Yeah...that makes sense."

He stretches a hand forward and presses the space bar on the keypad. The movie pauses, and I scowl at him. "Hey, why'd you do that?"

"You want to know why?" He sits up and pulls my arm down with him so that he's lying on his back and me on top of him.

My petite body is trapped between his thighs while my chest is flat against his. My eyes grow a little larger at the position, and he smiles while peering up at me.

"I prefer watching 'you' instead...that's why." He mutters.

I blink at him, and he dances his eyebrows playfully while his eyes stay steady on mine. Being stared at so directly makes me nervous and self-conscious, and I am just staring back at him, not sure of what else to do.

We are looking at each other for a few minutes before I lower my eyes in defeat. "What are you doing..."

"Watching you." He chuckles. "Why'd you stop looking at me? It was so comforting."

"Blaze staring into each other's eyes is not's...nerve-wracking."

His chest vibrates in laughter. "How is it? It feels good; to me."

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