Part II| Only You

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"Thought I'd forget 'bout you but every day feels like déjà vu and time don't seem to be on my side, cos every second you won't get off my mind."—Arlissa.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Every Time I Breathe' by Arlissa.

A/N: A promise is a promise <3 Please listen to the above song throughout this chapter! :)



My eyes flutter open, immediately gracing the lucent crystal chandelier hanging above me. The source of lighting makes it evident that I am not in my room, considering April and I's suite has flat inbuilt lights in the ceiling.

The atmosphere of the room is humid, cool breeze from the outside surging in through the windows. My mind flashes back to what happened before I fainted, and I discover whose section I am probably in.


With a grimace, I try to sit upright in the bed, and my gaze connects with his as he sits on a chair across from me. His elbows are perched against his knees as he eyes me with what looks like concern. But the guy is good when it comes to faking facial expressions and feelings, so I cannot tell if it's genuine.

"Are you okay now? How do you feel?"

His hair is wet and silky, lapping over his forehead in the most attractive way possible. I see why I fell for him, and I also see why it was so easy for him to have played me for a fool.

I lower my eyes from him and pull the covers off me. My muscles stiffen when I realize that my undergarments aren't present on my body. I am wearing my T-shirt and shorts now, so it appears he put my clothes on me. Oh, God. He saw me naked.

I swallow. "D-did you undress me?"

My voice comes out sounding just as nervous as I am, and I wait for his voice to come, my cheeks burning from severe embarrassment.

"Yeah. I tried not to look though."


"They were wet, and I didn't want you to get sick."

The thought of him seeing me without my clothes sends my nerves going haywire. I hardly have boobs and my legs are weighty; I am not confident enough to be seen nude by anyone. Especially him.

This is even more reason to head back to my room immediately, alongside the fact that I can't seem to get him having sex with that girl from my mind.

"Goodnight," I grumble as I begin to move off the mattress. Blaze gets up from his seat in a swift and trots over to block my path.


I keep my gaze on the floor because one look in those ocean eyes will have me at his feet like a loyal servant.

"Excuse me, Blaze. I need to go."

I try to walk around him, but he slides in the way, putting his hands to his waists.

"Don't go," he sighs. "I am sorry, okay?"

I am trying not to cry, but I can already feel my eyes gathering that annoying salty fluid that I hate so much. I am surprised that I even have any tears left. God must have sufficiently supplied me because he knows my college days would just be a string of sullen emotions.

"I can't be without you," he continues. "It's driving me crazy."

I finally meet his eyes, and I know that it is probably the most beautiful mistake. They are so alluring.

"Do you understand what I am saying, Harmony?" He lifts his hand to cup my cheek, but I shift my face away from his touch.

His eyebrows come together in a frown of melancholy as he clenches his eyes shut. "I said I am sorry, okay? I know it doesn't make things better, but I was scared, scared of what this could be. It's hard to explain... I didn't mean to hurt you."

"You meant to... you keep doing things to hurt me then say sorry, and I know you will do it again," I mutter, keeping my face away from his. "You had her dancing on your groin."

He sharply intakes a breath. "I am sorry about that too. I was hurt about you and Kite. I know I should not have done that...that was really an asshole thing to do. I know that, and I am genuinely sorry."

I chew on my bottom lip while tears well in my eyes.

"Look at me, Harmony."

"I'm good; I don't need to."

"Please." He takes my cheek in his hand and brings my face to his so that I have no choice but to look up at him.

I feel my throat tightens as the unbearable pain deep within expands. My lower lip quivers as a tear slips down my cheek.

A guilty expression etches on his face, and he closes his eyes for a second as he takes a deep breath.

"I don't deserve you." He whispers. "I make you cry too much...but I am selfish to let Kite have you. He can't have you; you're mine, Harmony."

He moves in to kiss me, but I steer my face from his.

His eyes flash with hurt, and he presses his forehead against mine. "Kiss me."

"No." I swallow, keeping my gaze elsewhere. "You said it. You said I shouldn't kiss you anymore..."

"I didn't mean those words; I was just fucking stupid. I miss your lips. I know it has only been a few hours but knowing that I may not feel your lips against mine anymore tortured me all day."

He traces his thumb along my cheek. "Kiss me, please."

I look up at him, the tears are still streaming down my face and I can tell it breaks his heart. He tries again, bringing his face in, but I shove at his chest resistantly.

He stumbles back and ruffles his hair. "Harmony, please."

"You want to kiss me when you took a girl up here today and had sex with her. I am really stupid in your eyes, aren't I, Blaze?"

He blinks his eyes in confusion. "I didn't have sex with anyone."

"I heard you did. You had sex with that brown hair chewing-gum girl!"

I wipe my eyes with my knuckle, my sobs now becoming audible, and he takes a step toward me. "You mean Amber? We didn't have sex; it didn't happen. How could I have slept with someone when I couldn't stop thinking about you?"

I reunite our gazes, and if I said those words didn't make me feel a tiny bit better, I would be lying.

"No other girl makes me feel the way you do Harmony; can't you see that?"

My sobs are soft now, and I can feel my defenses being pulled down one by one. He moves in closer to me and holds my face in his hands, sweeping his thumbs under my eyes to erase the teardrops.

"I want you, Harmony," he whispers. "Only you."

My lips part at the confession, and I am not awarded the time to recover as he presses his lips against mine. My body loosens against him completely, and I know at this point that all my barriers have been torn down.

Stay tuned for more!🙂🖤ILY

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