I Think I Am Falling For Him

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"I'm an open book, I'll tell you everything I know to the darkest corners of my mind." —Mia Wray.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Where I Stand' by Mia Wray.

^A/N: Heyy guys, very important. Please listen the above song when Harmony sings it in the chapter. The scene probably won't make much sense if you don't lol



I open the transparent door and enter the music room. I am not feeling as confident as the last time because Blaze is not with me. However, to my good fortune, I see Mal sitting at the corner, and a small smile grace my lips as I ignore the staring faces and plod over to him, occupying the seat right next to his.


He smiles widely at my presence, splaying an arm over his chair. "Hey..." He glances behind me as if looking for someone and my brows pull together curiously.


"I thought the troublemaker would come with you." His expression holds aggression saying that statement, and I can tell he detests Blaze a great deal.

"Well...he'll be here soon," I mutter, hoping he doesn't hear but attempting to be honest at the same time.

He looks over at me with disbelief etched on his face and I shrink in my shoulders. "So, you still talk to him?"

I shrug lightly, but I know it's not a light matter for him. I feel so guilty.

"Yeah...I kind of still do."

He sighs and looks away. He has the right to be mad, but I have no control over myself when it comes to Blaze. Mal wouldn't understand.

I know he's thinking of me as nothing but a peabrain right now, but I can't find it within me to care. I see something in Blaze that they probably can't see.

"Okay, but you can't say I didn't warn you," he concludes. "He's not a good person and he only uses others to get what he wants."

"I just...I just kind of want to understand him for myself." I reply softly, more to myself than to him.

"If you try to understand him or even get close to him, he may pull you down with him. He'll drown you with himself. Be careful."

I sigh. What Mal is saying does, in fact, sound possible but I am not going to judge Blaze and I am not going to run away from him either. I wish everyone would just stop telling me to stay away from him. I guess I will learn my lesson if a lesson is there to be learned.

I try to change the topic.

"So um, when will you give me a chance to hear you play the flute?" I jerk my head to the instrument in his hand, and his smile comes back instantly as he shrugs his shoulders, red tints in his cheeks.

"Well, one day."

I chuckle. "Okay. You heard my talent so it's only right that I hear yours."

He laughs and during our shared blithe my eyes land on Justine's. She's eyeing me with absolute disfavor while she talks to the group. I look away and pretend not to notice, but it's hard to avoid two pair of obvious stink eyes even in a room of crowded people. I don't know what relation she has to Blaze for her to be regarding me with such loath.

I realize that it has been forty-five minutes and still no sign of Blaze. Maybe he isn't coming? What if he got into a fight with his dad and stabbed him? I inwardly chastise myself for thinking that little of him but what can I do when I have witnessed him gripping pointed objects two separate times to harm someone?

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