Mornings - Pierre Gasly

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This one is requested by thexgirlxxx. I hope you like it!

It was one of those days where you didn't have anything planned beside to lay in your bed all day and cuddle with your boyfriend, Pierre Gasly. He had been gone for three weeks to a training camp. He called you once in three days because he wasn't allowed to have his phone on him. You understood it, but it was still hard. All you wanted to do was talk to him and have him next to you, but sometimes his job made that hard.

'Good morning,' you heard Pierre mumble.

You turned around and looked at him with a smile. 'Morning. How did you sleep?'

'Always good when you're next to me.'

You pressed a kiss on his lips. 'Me too. Do you have anything planned for the day?'

'No. I wanted to go see my family, but they can wait another day.' Pierre pulled you closer to him. 'I could lay here all day and do nothing.'

'That is what I was planning on,' you smiled. It was warm and cosy in your bed, and you lived for it.

Then the doorbell rang. You both groaned in annoyance.

'Rock, paper, scissors?' Pierre asked.

'I'll open the door. I'll be back in a sec.' you wanted to get out of bed, but Pierre had other ideas.

'No, I'm not letting you go. It's too early to get out of bed.' He held you even closer.

'But there is someone at the door!'

'Let them go away.'

You rolled your eyes. Then your phone rang. Pierre let you and you grabbed your phone. Your brother, Charles Leclerc, was calling you.

'What do you want?' you said as you answered the phone, putting him on speaker.

'Open the door! I know you're home,' Charles said.

'No, I'm not,' you lied.

'Yes, you are. Because Pierre told me. Now open the door, I'm hungry.'

'What the hell are you talking about?'

'Oh my god, Y/N. It's Sunday morning. It was your day to have us over for brunch. Don't tell me you forgot it. I'm starving.'

Shit. You did forget it. 'No, I... I didn't forget it. I was planning to order in so we can all have a nice brunch with whatever we want,' you said as you got out of bed and quickly got dressed.

'You're lying! I know you're still in bed,' Arthur joined the conversations.

'I'm not in bed. Give me five minutes.'

'So you were in bed,' Charles said.

'Yes and I forgot the brunch because Pierre and I were very busy.' You knew that that would shut up your brothers.

'Gross Y/N. Just hurry up.' And with that, Charles hung up.

'Did you really have to say that?' Pierre asked who was getting dressed as well.

'Yes, otherwise they would never shut up. And we were very busy, just not with what they think we were doing.'

Pierre laughed. He luckily did his hair and then let your brothers into the apartment while you finished doing your hair.

When you walked to the living room, the table was already set.

'I've ordered food for all of us,' Charles said.

'Thanks. I'm sorry, I forgot. It were just a weird couple of weeks,' you admit. It was never easy when Pierre was gone, and you had to work. Whenever Pierre was gone, you would work 7 days a week for as many hours as you could - everything to get your mind off it.

'But this means you have to do it next time too,' Arthur said.

'Fine by me,' you smiled.

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