Rain - George Russell

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Song: Saving us a riot - Phoria

The tears streamed down your face as you were packing your bag. They didn't want you anymore. They actually kicked you out, while you were working your ass off to take care of them. You packed a bag with all of your clothing and another suitcase with the things you loved the most. You packed it full with pictures, the books you loved the most, and a few other things. The rest could be replaced.

With the two suitcases, you made your way down. Without saying anything, you left. The tears streamed down your face while you made your way to your boyfriend's house. It would be an hour walk, but it was okay. It was dry, and the sun was slowly setting. You were lucky that your boyfriend was home and not in another country for another Grand Prix. Your boyfriend, George Russell, was a Formula One driver. He travelled the world to race is the fastest car, and he loved it. You sometimes went with him, but most of the time, you had to work. You two tried to see each other as much as you could, but with work and school for you, it was quite hard.

Suddenly, you felt the first raindrops on your face—bloody hell. Your tears started to flow even more. Could the rain just stay away for a few more hours? That was all you needed—just a few more hours without rain. You felt your phone buzzing on your phone, which made you stop walking. You grabbed your phone out of your pocket and saw that George was calling you. You took a few deep breaths before you answered the phone. 'Hey!' you said and tried to sound as happy as you could, but even you wouldn't fall for it. Your voice was shaky, which already sold you out.

'Are you okay?' George asked.

'Yeah, why wouldn't I be?'

'You sound like you have been crying?'

'I just watched a sad movie which made me cry. What's up?'

'I wondered if you had heard anything from your work for the next race.' George sounded like he wasn't sure what to do. He wanted to believe that you were fine, but something in him told him that you weren't.

'Oh shit. I totally forget to check it. I'll check it with them tomorrow,' you said. You realized that you had to work tomorrow, which made you want to cry even more. You bit your lip, trying not to cry, but it was so hard. Hearing George, his voice made it even harder not to cry.

'That's alright. Are you outside? I can hear the rain pretty hard.'

'Yeah, just taking a little walk.'

'In the rain? Y/N, what's going on? And don't say that you're fine, because I can hear that something is wrong.'

'They uhm... they kicked me out,' you said, and you sniffed.

'They did what? Where are you? I can pick you up.'

'I'm on my way to your place actually.'

'In the rain? You could've called me, and I would've picked you up right away.'

'Yeah, like I thought of that. I had to pack everything I owned in a few minutes. I didn't want to call you and stay in that house just one minute longer. And adding to that, there wasn't any rain when I left,' you snapped at him.

'I'm coming to pick you up, okay?'

'Yep. See ya in a bit.' You hung up the phone and send George your live location.

You tried to hold in your sobs because you were in the middle of the street, but you just couldn't do it. Your parents had kicked you out, and now you were awful to George, who only wanted to help.

After a few minutes of waiting, you finally saw George his car arriving. He stepped out of the car with an umbrella in his hands. You, on the other hands, were soaking wet at the moment, so an umbrella wasn't going to help anything now.

Without saying anything, George walked over to you and wrapped his arms around you.

More tears fell down your face as you felt save in his arms.

'You don't deserve this,' he mumbled and pressed a kiss on your head. He let go of you and grabbed a suitcase. 'You can stay with me for as long as you want,' he said while taking the bag to the car. You followed him with another one. They barely fit in his trunk. You both got into the car, and George handed you a dry hoodie of his. You quickly put it on.

'Can we just drive around for a while?' you asked.

'Of course.'

Whenever you weren't in the mood to talk, you would call George and asked if he wanted to drive around. Mostly it happened when it was late at night.

He understood what you meant and drove away.

You turned on the radio and listened to the music as you started at the window.

George laid his hand on your leg as he noticed the tears that were streaming down your face. Ever since he met you, he knew you were having a hard time with your parents. Everything you had, you worked hard for it yourself, and you tried to support your parents the best you could. Your dad had lost his job when you were younger, so you didn't know better. Your mother had never worked in her life because she wasn't qualified for anything. You worked as hard as you could while also going to school. When you met George, you were distant. You didn't want anyone else in your life to take care off. You had enough to do on your own; you didn't have time for him. But you couldn't stay away. Wherever you were, he showed up too and slowly, you let him in. Your wall slowly went down the more you got to know him, and it became fun to be around him. You were free when you were with him. You didn't have anything to worry about. And when you said goodbyes, you were being sucked back into reality. Now all you had was George.

After a few hours, you arrived at George his place. He took your two suitcases, and you both made your way inside.

'Do you want to take a bath or a shower?' George asked while he walked to the bedroom to get you some clean clothes. He knew you liked wearing his clothes because they smelled like him.

'I'm just going to take a shower. It won't be long,' you said as you walked into the bathroom. You already had some toiletries and clothes here, because you were here a lot when you didn't need to work.

George laid your clothes and a towel on the sink and kissed your head. 'Take as long as you need,' he said and walked out of the door.

You turned on the shower and got under the hot water when you were undressed. The warm water relaxed your muscles, and you could stand under it for hours. It was relaxing, nobody was knocking on the door that you needed to turn off the water. You washed your hair and your body and then turned off the water.

You got dressed, dried your hair a little bit and then walked out of the bathroom. You spotted George laying on the bed. He opened his arms. With a small smile, you got into bed and curled up against him.

He started to stroke up and down your upper arm. 'Why did they do it?' he slowly asked.

'I was too much of a bother, I cost too much money, I was a waste of space. They just didn't want me around anymore. And the saddest thing is, is that deep down I knew that it was coming. I knew that one they that they were going to kick me out. Maybe somewhere they didn't want to. But my mom being a drunk, she said things she didn't mean and my dad went along with it. But it still sucks. My own parents kicked me out, while all my life I did the best I could to help them, give them money. Maybe this is just for the best. At least I can start to work less now.'

George looked at you. He was so proud of who strong you were. Your parents just kicked you out, and you were looking forward, not back. You had been through a lot in life already, so maybe you were somehow relieved. You could finally do your own thing.

'You can stay for as long as you want. I don't mind having you around,' George said.

'Are you sure?' You looked at him.

'Absolutely. We can do this every night, wake up together every morning. If I'm free, I can drive you to school or work. It'll be okay.'

You pressed your lips against his. That's exactly what you needed to hear. 'I love you, George Russell.'

'I love you, Y/N Y/L/N.'

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