Sleep - Daniel Ricciardo & Max Verstappen

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You started at your phone, waiting for your boyfriend Max to call you. You had missed him so much and you being on your period wasn't exactly helping the situation. He was currently on the plane, coming back home from another race weekend. He was supposed to FaceTime you as soon as he got on the plane, but he hasn't called yet. You also weren't able to reach him, and you got quite worried. You knew he was on the plane with Daniel Ricciardo, so you decided to call him.

'Hello,' Daniel smiled widely at the phone and waved.

'Hi! How are you? How was this weekend?' you asked him.

'It was really fun! Did you see the race?'

'Of course, I did! Are you already on the plane?'

'Yes. We should be landing in about three hours.'

'And Max? Is he with you? He was supposed to call me, but I can't reach him.'

Daniel smiled and turned a little bit. He showed you the sleeping figure of Max. 'He passed out as soon as we were up in the air,' Daniel said.

'He must be tired if he sleeps on the plane,' you mumbled.

'Were you keeping him up all night?' Daniel asked and wiggled his eyebrow.

You felt yourself tear up. Oh gosh, here it goes. 'No... We ehm...' You tried to swallow the lump in your throat, but it didn't go away. God, you hated having your period. You were always so emotional, which you usually aren't.

'Oh god, what did I say wrong?'

You shook your head. 'You didn't. It's just that I miss him and it's that time of the month again,' you said and tried to blink away the tears, which didn't help.

'He missed you too if that helps? He couldn't stop talking about you all weekend. It was getting quite annoying, to be honest,' Daniel said.

You couldn't help but laugh a little. You just knew how annoying Max could be. 'It does, a little. He can be quite annoying.'

'Quite? Mate, he was the most annoying man I've ever met this weekend. I like that he's happy, but gosh, next time please come along because nobody can handle him like that again. He was a pain in the ass.'

You burst out into laughter. 'I hope I can leave work earlier so that I can come along, but I can't promise anything.'

'He would be much happier and less annoying, which makes the whole team happier.'

You chuckled.

'Are you talking to Y/N?' you suddenly heard Max say.

'I am because you wanted to sleep so badly,' Daniel answered.

'Let me talk to her.'

'Mate, call her yourself.' Daniel sighed dramatically and rolled his eyes. 'Guess you're going to leave me,' he said to you.

'I'm sorry, but I do want to talk to my boyfriend,' you said and smiled. 'But thanks, Dan.'

'Anytime Y/N.'

You hung up the phone and FaceTimed Max. 'Sleeping beauty is awake,' you said to Max.

He rolled his eyes at you. 'It was very early this morning okay? I need my sleep.'

'I know.'

'What did you talk to Daniel about?'

'How bloody annoying you were this weekend,' you heard Daniel said.

'No, I was not. Whatever he said, don't believe him,' Max said to you.

'So you don't want me to come to the next race?'

Max looked at Daniel and then back at the screen. 'That is one thing you should believe. But I wasn't annoying.'

'You were talking about Y/N all weekend and how much you missed her, so yeah, you were annoying,' Daniel commented.

'He's just jealous that he doesn't have a girlfriend,' you whisper, but just loud enough for both boys to hear.

'I'm not! I'm happy with myself, but Max is just getting annoying. Next time I'll film you, so you can see for yourself how horrible you were.'

'There won't be a next time,' Max snorted and plugged in his earphones.

You could hear Daniel laughing. He also texted you.

I'm sorry I pissed him off. Good luck dealing with him :)

You shook your head and looked back at Max. 'But are you seriously coming next week?'

'If I can get Friday free then yes I will. And otherwise, I will come on Saturday.'

Max smile got bigger. 'I can't wait to have you around again.'

'Me neither.'

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