Crying - George Russell

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I hated what happened in Imola. George deserved that point so much and to see how much he beat himself up about it just breaks my heart, how he tried so hard not to break down in the interviews that he did... So this is just a little thing I wrote inspired by what happened.

It was another day in the car for your boyfriend, George Russell. For the past few weeks, the car had been feeling really good, and George had been so close to scoring his first-ever points in Formula One. Sadly, that day hasn't come yet, but today George felt confident. He was excited to race, which made you even more excited to watch the race. Normally you watched it alone with nobody around, as you could get quite into the race. You could yell or throw things at the screen when things didn't go well. You hoped that all the drivers finished the best they could. Today you were at the track, and you would watch the race from the garage.

'Good luck today, let's show them how to get some points,' you said to George before he got in the car.

His smile got even wider, and he kissed you before he left to go to the grid.

Aleix gave you a set of headphones so you could hear what would be going on. George started P13, so he only needed to go three places up to score his first-ever points. You had all confidence in him. The race started, and George made it to P12 before the first corner. The first half of the race was pretty dull. Only Gasly was out, and all eyes were on Verstappen and Bottas as Max tried to overtake him a few times which didn't succeed.

Max was now P2, and George was P10. You were so excited and nervous at the same time. They had ten more laps to go, and it was now up to George to keep up this pace. Suddenly Max had a problem with his tyre which caused a safety car in the lap. George moved up to P9. George came into the pit, like a lot of other drivers, for a new set of tires and he went back out, being back to P10, but it was still his best place ever. If he could keep this position, that meant he was going to have his first-ever point.

He was right behind the safety car when it happened. The car spun around, hit the wall, and that was it. For George, the race was over, and his point was gone.

'I don't know what to say,' you heard him over the radio.

Shit. George got out of the car and went behind the barrier where he sat down. His radio wasn't turned on, so you couldn't hear if he was talking to himself or anything, but you could see that he was beating himself up about it. His head hanged down and he slapped his knee a couple of times. Your heart broke, seeing him so upset. The whole race he had been fighting for the point. He had given everything he had, to eventually be giving to much. You hated that this happened, but you hated even more about how much George would hate himself for doing this. It was the first time that he ever had a crash like this, just when he was finally getting what he deserved: a point.

You saw how he waved off a marshall. He just needed a moment for himself. He then stood up and walked away. The marshall brought him back to the garage. Without saying anything, George walked through the garage, passed you and went to the paddock. You put down your headphone and followed him. You kept your distance a little bit, just to give George some more time. You saw him walking into the motorhome before you followed him in. He slammed the door of his room shut. You walked over to the door, and you could hear him sniffle. You raised your hand to knock on the door, but you didn't knock. Maybe you just needed to give him another minute. You heard something fall on the ground. Nope, no other minute. Without knocking, you opened the door and saw George sitting on the ground, his face buried in his hands. You quietly heard the sobs that left his mouth. You sat down on the ground and laid your hand on his knee.

George looked up at you while the tears streamed down his face. 'How could I be so stupid? How could I have done this to the team, to the fans?'

'Because you wanted to get that point. You were fighting so hard that at that point, you just fought a little bit too hard, I think.'

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