Sleepless - Charles Leclerc

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You groaned as you tossed again. You have been tossing and turning for about a good two hours now. You just couldn't sleep. There were so many things on your mind and you just couldn't let them go. You sat up straight in bed. You were done trying. You looked at the clock on your phone and saw that it was just past 1 am. Would your boyfriend Charles still be awake? He said he would be streaming all night.

You saw that he was live on Instagram. It would be an hour drive to his place. You could do it. You only had a school meeting in the morning, but that was on Zoom, so you could easily do that from Charles his place. You quickly packed your stuff and quietly headed out, trying not to wake anybody up. You yawned as you got in the car, but you turned on some music and started to vibe along, while driving to your boyfriends apartment.

The hour went by quickly and it felt like you had been driving for just twenty minutes. Because you had to focus, you now felt that you could sleep.

You parked your car, got out the car and made your way inside. Because you forgot your key last time, you couldn't walk in. You knocked on the door, just in case he already went to bed, but there was no answer. You rang the bell, but there was also no answer to that. You quickly looked at Twitch and saw that he was still streaming. If you called him, would he see that? You thought to give it a go and called him, but he didn't pick up. Texting him would be pointless, because he wouldn't see that. You logged in with your Twitch account and reacted to the stream.

Open the door Charles.

You repeated that message until he saw that. He looked confused at the screen.

Look at your phone, dumbass 😂

You saw that Charles grabbed his phone and started to laugh.

'Guys, I'll be right back. My girlfriend is waiting for me to open the door,' he said. He put his headset down and got out of the chair, before walking away.

Not long after that, the door opened.

'What in the world are you doing here?'

'I couldn't sleep.'

'So you just drove an hour to get here?'

'Jep.' You walked passed Charles into the apartment and dropped your bag on the couch.

'You could've called me and I could've picked you up or something.'

'You wouldn't even see that,' you laughed. 'Besides, I wanted to drive.'

'You hate driving in the dark.'

'I do, but today it was okay. I'm going to sleep in your bed now, because I'm tired now.'

'I'll finish up the stream and join you.' You smiled at Charles, before quickly kissing him. He went back to end the stream, while you made your way to the bedroom. You laid down in the bed and smiled. His covers were so soft and his bed laid even better then yours.

After not much time, Charles came to join you. He pulled you closer to you and pressed a kiss on your cheek.

'I'm glad you're here,' he said.

'Me too,' you said and yawned, which made Charles laugh.

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