Stress - George Russell

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Working from home had it is perks. You could work from wherever you were. It that was from home, or from another country. With your boyfriend being a Formula One driver, you wanted to travel with him as much as you could. You loved going away to unknown countries and just explore. Even if you were stuck in a hotel room all day, you still loved being in another country.

You had a pretty rough week, so you decided to come to Italy with your boyfriend. They had two races there so you would be in Italy for two weeks.

You were sitting in a cab on your way to the hotel, while you were busy on a phone call. The only thing you hated about your job was that you needed to be online all the time. If your company called you, they expected you to pick up. If they texted you, they expected a quick reply. You were on all the time.

You put away the phone and sighed.

'Not a nice call?' your boyfriend, George Russell, asked.

'No. I did a million things wrong, and now I need to fix them,' you sighed and leaned back a little bit more.

'At least it's almost Friday,' George said.

You nodded.

You arrived at the hotel pretty quickly. Checking in went without any problems. You went to the hotel room. You immediately sat down at the desk and went back to work. George went to work out with his trainer. Just as George left the room, your phone rang again. Your boss was calling.

'Hello sir, what can I do for you?' you asked as soon as you picked up the phone.

'I wanted to talk to you about a few things. The first thing is the documents that you sent on Monday.' He paused for a moment. 'I don't know how to say this nicely, but what the hell did you think? It's full of grammar mistakes, the construction of the text is just not good, and everything I read is your opinion. I didn't ask for this Y/N. I needed an article, not a column.'

'I will fix it, and you will have it in a few hours.'

'I sure hope that. These things can't happen anymore! The other document you sent is the wrong paper size. The photos you took are rubbish. You missed the deadlines of two articles. What the hell is going on? I'm not used to this from you,' your boss snarled.

'I know. I'm sorry. I'll get on it right away. By the end of the day, you have everything fixed. Once again, I'm sorry,' you told him.

'Make sure to fix it,' he said and hung up the phone.

You tossed your phone aside and buried your face in your hands for a moment. It felt like they were changing the assignments every minute. You had never been off your game like this, and you hated it. You wanted to do things right and the fact that you didn't just pissed you off. You put on some music and went to work.

When George walked into the room, he noticed the sad music playing. He also heard your loud sobs. When he saw you sitting behind the desk, sobbing out loud, it broke his heart. 'What happened?' he asked.

You didn't turn around. You wiped away your tears while you tried to control yourself. 'I ehm...' loud sobs left your mouth as you felt like you couldn't breathe. You were just so done with it. You wanted to toss your laptop and phone out of the window and never buy a new one. You were so done with everything that it just made you set into this state of panic almost.

George rushed over to you and sat beside you. 'Deep breaths Y/N,' he said as he grabbed your shaking hands. 'In... and out...' he said calmly.

You followed the breathing pattern and calmed down.

'Tell me what happened,' he said when you calmed down.

'It's just too much. I can't do this. Everything I do is wrong. It's never good enough, and it never will be. I just... I can't take this anymore,' you said, and the tears streamed down your face again.

George wiped them away. 'You're working so hard. They don't deserve someone like you if they don't appreciate your work.'

'But my work sucks. They have every right to not appreciate it. If it's not good enough, they should tell me so that I can improve, but they just give me too much work. They think I have nothing to do besides writing these stupid things for them, while I'm doing a million things beside it. I just can't take this anymore,' you sobbed and let your head fall on George his shoulder.

He wrapped his arms around you and started to draw circles on your back. You just sat there until you had calmed down.

You wiped away the tears from your face, and you took a deep breath. 'I'm going to finish the things I need to do and then tonight I will turn off my phone,' you said.

George nodded in agreement. 'You should. I need to go to the track, but I'll text you when I'm heading back. It's probably going to be a little late,' he said.

'It's fine. Take your time. I'll see you tonight,' you said and planted a small kiss on his lips.

George smiled before he got up and walked out of the room again.

You went back to work while you sang along to your sad songs.

When George came back into the room after a long day, he saw you sitting in the same position that he left you. 'Are you still working?' he asked.

'Yeah, just finishing up,' you mumbled.

'It's been four hours since you should be done. You work too hard,' George said and walked over to you. He wrapped his arms around you from behind.

'I just need to finish one tiny thing,' you mumbled.

George started to press kisses on your cheek, and neck, which made you giggle.

'George, stop it,' you laughed and pushed him away.

'Only off you stop working. We can watch a movie or just chill. But you need to stop working you,' George said.

You typed the last sentence and then closed the laptop. 'I'm done, okay,' you said and turned around to George.

'You are such a hard worker,' he said. 'Have you ever thought about working for another company? One that didn't drain the energy?' he asked as you yawned.

'I have actually. I think I've been staying with them because it's a safe option. But safe isn't always the best. But I don't know what else I want to do.'

'You know you can quit and take some time to figure that out, right? It's not that we won't be able to live anymore if you quit your job.'

'I know. I'll think about it. But for now, no more work,' you said and kissed George.

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