6 minutes - Max Verstappen

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This one is requested by mvandebeek! I hope you like it!

You were staring at your phone, waiting for your boyfriend Max Verstappen, to call you. You had been waiting for over an hour, and you were getting tired of it. It wasn't the first time that he promised to call you, but ended up not calling you at all. You understood that he was busy and that it could take some time for him to contact you, but this was getting ridiculous.

You tried to call Max again, but his phone went straight to voicemail. You sighed and put your phone down. You decided to text Max.


Hey, are you there?

We were supposed to call an hour ago...

(Message not send)

You tried to call Max again.

'This is Max, I'm not here right now. Call me back later.'

You sighed. Why didn't he answer his phone? He wasn't on the track anymore, and if he was working out, he would have his music on. You wanted to call Christian Horner to see what was going on, but you didn't want to be that time of girlfriend. You opened Instagram to see if he, or one of the team members, posted anything about Max. He wasn't in any of their stories or posts. You sighed, and your leg started to bounce up and down. You had a feeling that this isn't good. You decided to call Daniel Ricciardo. He was a good friend of Max and yours, so maybe he would know where Max was.

'Hey Y/N,' Daniel said as he answered the phone.

'Hey, am I disturbing you?' You stood up from the couch and started to pace around the room.

'No, I have 6 minutes, it's all I have.'

'Okay, I'll make it quick. Do you know where Max his?'

'Max? No, why? What's going on?' Daniel sound worried.

'I don't know. We were supposed to call an hour ago, but he's not picking up his phone or answering my texts, and I don't know what to do. I don't want to be that type of girl who calls his boss to see what he's doing, but I just feel that something is not right,' you rattled.

'Okay, slow down. His phone probably died, and it's nothing to be worried about. Is he coming home today?'

'No, tomorrow night,' you said and bit on your nail. 'This is nothing like him, Dan. Normally he returns my calls.'

'Maybe he's busy? Look, I have to go. But I will call him again.'

Suddenly you heard the front door of your apartment open.

'Max?' you asked.

'Hey!' he yelled from the hallway.

You sighed in relief. 'No need to call him, he's here,' you said to Daniel.

'See, nothing's wrong! Say hi for me, will ya?'

'Will do. Thanks, Dan.'


You hung up the phone and put it down on the kitchen counter.

Max walked into the living room and looked at you with a big smile. 'Hey,' he said again.

'Hi,' you mumbled and walked over to him, putting your arms around him.

'Are you okay? You don't look happy.'

'I was just worried. You didn't answer my calls or texts, and that got me worried,' you confessed.

'But I'm fine. I just wanted to come home earlier and surprise you,' he said.

'I'm glad you're home,' you smiled. 'But don't ever do this to me again. If we said we're going to call and you don't show up, I'm going to be sick.'

'I will text you next time if I can't call.'

'Thank you,' you said and kissed Max again.

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